Burlington Iowa Letters to Falcon West Burlington

Obama Care & Free Exercise of Religion


Well, one of the left wing Obama judges on the Supreme Court has ruled against Hobby Lobby even though the first line of the Bill of Rights Says, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” Obamacare prohibits the free exercise of religion by the owners of Hobby Lobby when it comes to their religion and the killing of babies through abortion.  I guess it’s too bad their not Muslim or the case may have come out much different.  The liberals in the court have allowed the mass murder of many more babies under the guise of government than has the Muslim world

Anyway, it was pointed out in a previous case that Sotomayor ruled in favor of a Muslim inmate who was denied Ramadan meals. She held that the meal was subjectively important to the inmate’s practice of Islam.  This only goes to show how liberalism bends the constitution and/or Bill of Rights to suit their own warped view of the documents and of course the liberal agenda.  So with Sotomayor what’s good for the Muslim religion is not good enough for the Christian religion.  The majority of Americans are not even represented in the Supreme Court while the religion of a major terrorist group is.