Burlington Iowa Letters to Falcon West Burlington

Common Core Disaster

 Parents had better be aware of what the government has in store for public run government schools in America.
 The name of the disaster is Common Core where the states were bribed and/or blackmailed by the government to sign up of loose funding from other so called programs.
 The big loss other than the education of our students is the loss of student and family privacy.  In order for states to qualify for Stimulus Bill funding, the federal Department of Education required the individual states to build expensive databases to track student data and progress.  This database was suggested to include the following information:
 Test scores, homework completion, extracurricular activity, health care history, disciplinary record, family income range, family voting status, political affiliations, religious affiliation, housing information, bus information, telephone information, family government assistance information, personality traits, work techniques and effort ets., over 400 data points in all.
 People had better go to the: and look up the following Institute Brief, volume 20 number 33 titled “The Problems of the Common Core”
 The adoption of CCSS in the Iowa Core gives up the local control that school districts have had and gives the power to control curriculum to the state and federal governments.  The states have to adopt the CCSS exactly as written, which removes the local school district’s ability to decide what is best for the students in each individual district.  In other words it basically gets the states departments of education, local school districts, and parents out of the way; so government has control of their children’s education.  There are about five smart states that turned the government down on the quest to control you children’s education and basically their entire lives.
Burlington Iowa Letters to Falcon News West Burlington

Oops! Our Spam filter killed your letters

If you have written emails to Falcon over the past month and wondered why your letters didn’t appear here, it was because our email spam filter went rouge and mistakenly thought your emails were ‘spam’.

Hopefully we have the problem corrected now. Sorry for the error. Keep sending your emails. We’ll watch for ’em!


Burlington Iowa Letters to Falcon West Burlington

Obama swimming in debt

 How is it possible that Obama thinks he can borrow another $1 Trillion Dollars and it wouldn’t raise the debt?  What is wrong with this man sitting in the White House who puts politics first and the American people last, could it be his massive ego getting in the way of leadership and common sense?
 His narcissism is threatening the future of our children and grandchildren while his stooge Harry Reid blocks every attempt by the House to fund many government entities Obama shut down with the exception of his special interest groups.
 His administration has now shut down the funeral benefits of dead soldiers sent home from Afghanastan all for his ego and his Chicago thuggery attitude.
Burlington Iowa Letters to Falcon West Burlington

White House Golfer

 I can tell one thing and it’s that our current golfer living in the White House has no shame when it comes to insults to the Queen of England.
 Obama gave the Iranian President $1 million dollars as a gift (our tax dollars) while he only gave the Queen of England a mere IPod, his sense of friends is beyond the imagination of reasonable people and shows where his allegiance really is.
 Also, during the crises in Washington the person in the White House was as usual on the golf links while the senate was out for the weekend.  Just how can anything ever be solved when the people causing the problem think more of their golf and weekends to stay in Washington and try to negotiate a reasonable solution to the problems?  The senate has become just like the president unwilling to forget its ego and take care of the American people, theirs and his only purpose to be in Washington.  Harry Reid and Pelosi remind me of Hitler’s top two enforcers by enabling an agenda that’s going to destroy the middleclass and further weaken our economy such as the Obamacurse health program.
 The golfer wasn’t put in Washington to be a dictator and that’s just what he’s trying to act like, a mini Mussolini.  I guess the voters after the first four years never learned a thing about this guy in the White House and that’s just disgusting for those who must endure another four years of his lack of leadership and egotistical arrogance.
Burlington Iowa Letters to Falcon West Burlington


 How in God’s name can the president exempt all these special interest groups along with others from the Affordable Care Act?  The president has no power to pick and choose who obeys a law and who doesn’t have to obey it.
 This Obamacurse law is so full of special interest holes it looks similar to a piece of Swiss cheese.  In recent years presidents have attempted, for all practical purposes, to invalidate portions of enacted legislation by issuing “signing statements” to Congress concurrently with his approval of a bill. These statements essentially announce that the president will not “execute” those portions of enacted legislation that he opposes. This practice is not supported by the Constitution, and is arguably in violation of it, since the president is obligated to “execute” all laws without reservation. However, the practice has not been challenged in the courts.  Well, it’s time someone challenged Mr. Obama in a court of law because Obama is breaking the law constantly in favor of his special interest groups.
 The Constitution also states, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
 By forcing taxpayers to pay for abortions Mr. Obama is again breaking the law by prohibiting the free exercise thereof.  In other words he feels he has the authority to overrule religious beliefs about murdering unborn children and can force people to participate regardless of their religious beliefs.  Again, Obama should be reigned in on this matter in a court of law.
 This president is a loose cannon running around with his leftist agenda and bypassing the legislative branch and any other government entity he deems necessary to force his will on the people and further destroy our country which is the number one bullet point of his agenda.
 His Obamacurse law has already started wholesale losses of taxpayer money as the corrupt IRS Department has already misplaced $67 million of its billion dollar slush fund for the purpose of enforcing the Obamacurse on the people and further destroying our rights of freedom as we know it.
 IRS loses $67 million out of billion-dollar ObamaCare slush fund | Human Events
 Today our attorney general is attacking the State of North Carolina because they passed a law that says a voter must have a picture ID in order to vote.  This again is an attempt by the left to continue allowing anyone that can walk in and belly up to a voting machine to vote, regardless of their citizenship.  The attorney generals only concern is the left may lose some of its voter base by enforcing citizenship requirements; that’s all it amounts to.
Burlington Iowa Letters to Falcon West Burlington

Brilliant Prophecy From 93 Years Ago


H.L. Mencken (born 1880 – died 1956) was a journalist, satirist, critic, and Democrat. He wrote this editorial while working for the Baltimore Evening Sun, which appeared in the July 26, 1920 edition.

“As democracy is perfected, the office of the President represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be occupied by a downright fool and complete narcissistic moron.”

—H.L.  Mencken, The Baltimore Evening Sun, July 26, 1920

So it was written and so it has come to pass.


Burlington Iowa Letters to Falcon West Burlington

Burlington Makes Top 10 List


I find it hard to believe but Iowa’s most penniless city is ranked number 9 on the top 10 Tourist Destinations in Iowa.  Funny how some people can be totally fooled.  Top 10 Tourist Destinations in Iowa, USA


Burlington Iowa Letters to Falcon West Burlington

Healthcare Not Constitutional Right


How could someone that was supposedly a Constitutional lawyer possibly declare that healthcare is a Constitutionally guaranteed right?  To me this sounds like someone that has little to no knowledge of the Constitution and is just lying to everyone that read it on his Twitter account.  I can never recall a president that constantly lied on a daily basis as does Obama and the problem is his lies are destroying the country lie by lie.

Late last week, President Barack Hussein Obama identified “health insurance” as a Constitutionally guaranteed right. While educated people from sea to shining sea perused the text of the Constitution in a vain search for the previously undiscovered right to be forced to purchase health insurance if so ordered by the President, Obama’s accomplices took to the blogosphere to celebrate the newly decreed “right.” Obama transmitted his proclamation through the White House’s Twitter account.

How and the hell is health insurance a right when everyone is forced to buy it and just where in the Constitution can this right be found?  Liar, liar pants on fire Obama.


Burlington Iowa Letters to Falcon West Burlington

Appeals court says Obama violating law on Yucca Mountain


What does it take to hold this president to the law of the land. He seems to be able to change the law at his whim.

Like King George III who choose to impose unfair taxes to suppress the people of America. We all know how that ended. Well some of us.


Burlington Iowa Letters to Falcon West Burlington

Obama’s Career Path; ‘Screw up, Cover up, Move up’


Here’s another example of a government with no integrity or moral accountability at all.  Our government is the essence of immoral behavior from the very top down to the lowest dimwit involved.

When the person at the top has no scruples we get trickle down corruptness throughout the entire government a fact proven over and over with Obama.  In the Obama administration corruptness gets rewarded while honesty get discarded.

IRS official who oversaw Cincinnati exempt operations office during scandal gets promotion | Fox News
