Quote for today: “The problems we face today are there because the people who work for a living are now outnumbered by those who vote for a living.” –Anonymous
Welfare————————————-66 million non productive (no value added) All of Government———————–40 million non productive (no value added) Working People (value added)—–103 million
Just no way this can work because there are far too many people doing nothing productive to create value added commerce nor paying of taxes.
This is Obama’s plan on how the United States should be and we can thank the free loaders and government people for four more years of this mass destruction of our country from within. With Obama in office there is just no way anything can get better for the United States. We again elected a loser for our president and sealed our fate for many years to come. In the mean time our tax dollars are being wasted on those that have no intentions of creating any wealth and prefer nanny government to carry them from cradle to grave.
Government employees: How many people work for governments in the United States?