News from the Hill…
This week marks my twelfth year in the Iowa House. I have witnessed twelve different State of the State speeches that were given by three different Governor’s, twelve different State of the Judiciary speeches, given by three different Chief Justice’s and the opening gavel came down for the twelfth time by three different Speakers of the Iowa House. Each session seems to be unique and I am sure this one will be as well. Everyone seems to be motivated to finish the session in a timely matter maybe even a little early. However, there is much to do and I am sure there will be different priorities on the budget. It is imperative that we work together to solve the differences and find resolution once again. I will continue to be principled individual who looks for ways to find common ground where it can be found. Iowa is working and unlike Washington DC we get things done.
Governor Branstad…
Tuesday Governor Branstad gave his State of the State speech. Personally, I thought he gave one of his best speeches ever. He was upbeat and optimistic about the future of Iowa. Below is a quip from the Governor’s speech. I have attached the speech in its entirety if you are interested in reading his speech.
“It is this sense of community and collaboration that defines us as Iowans. And it should again shape our approach to governing this year.
As we’ve demonstrated before, we should again attack our problems with the same common sense and seriousness as Iowans across our state:
– working hard,
– working together, and
– working to make things better than we found them.
To me, this is the Iowa Dream. That dream of opportunity and prosperity which can become a reality for every Iowan willing to work for it. “
Certainty for Iowa Taxpayers…
With the constant overreach, intrusion and insecurity made by the federal government, we need to be especially aware of the challenges facing Iowa taxpayers and employers while lessening the burdens we ask them to shoulder at the state level. I will continue to bring forth policies in the Ways and Means Committee that first and foremost places the Iowa Taxpayer at the head of the table. Each bill before it will be voted out of committee will be looked at through the optic of the taxpayer. This is the only way to know that the bill is in the best interest of the taxpayer, the individual who creates jobs and opportunities.
Certainty for Iowa Families…
I will do whatever possible to tear down the obstacles that have been created for hardworking Iowans. We need to find ways to free Iowans from the harassment of government intrusion into their lives and instead simply allow them to raise their families and enjoy their communities.
Iowa Caucus night…
Tuesday, January 21, 2014 has been established as the night for the Iowa Caucuses to be held. Each precinct has its own caucus that people of that precinct come together to share ideas, elect who they want to represent them on the County Central Committee and at the County Convention. There are 19 different precincts spread over three different counties the make up the district I represent. I will be attending the precinct at the L&M High School, which is the one I live in. I hope everyone participates in their own caucus and with the political party of their choice. This is the first step in the process that is truly a grassroots level.
“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” – Abraham Lincoln
For more information on these and other bills:
Until next time,
-Tom Sands
This weekend’s Legislative Forum:
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Burlington Library
9:15-10:30 am