News from the Hill…
This week the 86th General Assembly began with all 100 members of the Iowa House of Representatives being sworn in on Monday morning. It is an honor to have the opportunity to represent the people of Iowa, specifically the people of House District 88 for another two years in the Iowa House. This week is mostly an organizational week with some protocol to take care of as well. I will be chairing the Ways and Means Committee for the fifth straight year and it is my thirteenth year in the Iowa House. I will be serving on the Commerce Committee for the eleventh year and it is my first year to serve on the Ethics Committee. I will also serve on the Legislative Council, Fiscal Committee and the Tax Credit Review Committee. However, these last three committees seldom meet while we are in session. They typically only meet during the interim.
Governor’s State of the State…
Tuesday the Governor gave his Condition of the State Address and Friday will be sworn into office for his sixth term, which is a historical event. The condition of our state is strong; our fiscal house is in order. However, once again the wants for spending outnumber the monies available, so we have our work cut out for us to remain fiscally strong.
Chief Justice State of the Judiciary…
Chief Justice Cady gave his state of the Judiciary on Wednesday. They have been moving to a paperless system and will have the last county to obtain that this summer.
Serving the People…
I take my public service very seriously and once again will be setting up several different legislative forums to relay what is happening in Des Moines. These serve as a great way to listen to the concerns of the people and be able to represent you in Des Moines. I will use this newsletter and the local newspapers to let the people know when and where the forums are to be held. I personally read emails and letters that are sent to inform me of your concerns, ideas and other items of interest. Knowing your ideas and concerns permits me to represent you best.
“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” – Abraham Lincoln
For more information on these and other bills:
Until next time,
Tom Sands
This weekend’s Legislative Forum:
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Burlington Public Library
Unfortunately due to the untimely death of my good friend and cousin, Danny Sands, I will not be able to attend. His memorial service is Saturday morning.