Louisa – Muscatine Right Fielder Mae Cox (3) captures the out against West Burlington – Notre Dame Wednesday in West Burlington. Second ranked (2A) L&M topped Thirteenth ranked (3A) WBND, 8-0.

A West Burlington, Iowa softball game gets an impromptu flyover. A US Air Force 747-based Advanced Airborne Command Post (larger white aircraft) approaches a USAF KC-135 refueling tanker (gray aircraft) for refueling over the West Burlington softball field during the fourth inning of the L&M vs. WBND game Wednesday.

West Burlington- Notre Dame Centerfielder Addy Kellen (9) catches an L&M fly ball Wednesday in West Burlington. Second ranked (2A) L&M topped Thirteenth ranked (3A) WBND, 8-0.

West Burlington – Notre Dame Shortstop Reagan Engberg (22) catches an infield fly against L&M Wednesday in West Burlington. Second ranked (2A) L&M topped Thirteenth ranked (3A) WBND, 8-0.

Louisa – Muscatine Pitcher Hailey Sanders (11) sends one to the plate against West Burlington – Notre Dame Wednesday in West Burlington. Second ranked (2A) L&M topped Thirteenth ranked (3A) WBND, 8-0.