Gun grabbers love to cite a statistic they claim bolsters their argument that America’s murder rate is higher than other developed countries, particularly European countries. The figure they cite is 4.7 cases of murder and non-negligent manslaughter per 100,000 inhabitants.
Compared to the U.K.’s rate of 1.2 per 100,000 and France’s 1.1 per 100,000, that figure does seem high. But here’s a little nugget they won’t tell you. It comes thanks to some work by the American Thinker’s Randall Hoven, who has dug into the FBI’s crime statistics: Remove the murders committed by blacks and illegal aliens and the U.S. murder rate is 1.0 per 100,000, in line with Sweden’s, another country the gun grabbers will hold up in comparison.
Here’s how Hoven’s math works. According to the FBI’s Expanded Homicide Data Table 3, the offender’s race is known in 10,471 of the 14,612 2011 U.S. murder cases. Blacks accounted for 5,486 of them, or 52 percent. Extrapolating that rate into all murders in the United States, blacks accounted for 7,656 of the 14,612 murders in 2011. According to Representative Steve King (R-Iowa), illegals murder 12 Americans every day (4,380 annually). His numbers match up with a report issued by the Government Accountability Office, which estimated that 25,064 criminal aliens had been arrested for murder, though it’s unclear over what timeframe that covered. It also didn’t take into account how many murders were committed by those illegals nor how many were committed by illegals in which no arrest was made.
So adding it all up, of the 14,612 murders in the United States in 2011, 7,656 were committed by blacks and 4,380 were committed by illegal aliens. That leaves 2,576 committed by non-black legal residents. If there about 250 million non-blacks in the United States, the murder rate among non-blacks is about 1 per 100,000; the same as in Sweden.
According to UCLA history professor Peter Baldwin in his book The Narcissism of Minor Differences, “Take out the black underclass from the statistics, and even American murder rates fall to European levels.”
Despite the seemingly high rate among blacks, one number is most important of all to remember: 99.98 percent of U.S. blacks did not commit murder in 2011. And of the entire U.S. population, 99.99 percent did not murder anyone.
Gun grabbers want to take guns away from everyone because .004 percent of the population use them to kill someone.
Editor’s note: There’s a slight flaw in Hoven’s analysis, but the percentages are not affected. According to FBI Expanded Data Table 8, there were only 8,583 murders committed with a gun in 2011. He used numbers that included all homicides and non-negligent manslaughter incidents. The number of gun murders has been dropping for several years.
Citizens should never trust the federal government with their tax dollars because it’s used for immoral purposes by two untrustworthy entities namely the federal government and the unions who control democrats.
This type of bribery is common with the unions and the federal government neither of which can be trusted to be honest and above board with the American people. It’s all about the immoral marriage between democrats and their union stooges who support them and expect plenty of tax dollars back in the form of excessive wages and benefits. This is exactly the same process that goes on here in Iowa between union government employees and democrats where nothing is as it seems when it comes to being honest and fair to the taxpayer.
Here’s the rundown on Obama’s education Czar who is an avid communist as is Obama himself and Obama’s mentor Bill Ayers.
Evil Arne Duncan Drunk at Prom – NH Tea Party Coalition
I wonder if the liberal teachers actually know who is destroying American education other than themselves and actual home grown terrorist such as Bill Ayers’ and a host of other communist freaks who write the education reforms that are killing American uniqueness through false education curriculums.
As an example, Bill Gates and his wife funded the new so called “Common Core” fiasco but the real architect is one David Coleman. To understand Common Core’s basic goals, let’s turn to the source: the man widely regarded as leading architect of CCSSI, David Coleman.
He’s a Yale, Oxford and Cambridge schooled education reformer, whose basic philosophy toward teaching American’s children revolves around his own idealism about the liberal arts.
Of course he himself has never taught a classroom full of children; he’s just the guy coming up with the curriculum. A former consultant with McKinsey & Co., he’s now president of the College Board—you know, the group that administers the SAT, the determinative test for college hopefuls. CCSSI stands for Common Core State Standards Initiative and the thing to remember is most everything associated with education reform, CCSSI is largely political having little to do with education.
Bear in mind that most educational leaders are leftist with one goal in mind brainwash all American children to basically be wards of the state and toe the liberal minds set of socialism that will finish off our country as a standalone leader in just about everything regarding the human race and whittle it down to mediocre status where all citizens will be as dumb as our current leadership in Washington.
Dubuque reinvented itself to become one of the top ten most livable cities ranking as #10. Not bad for a town that was really down in the dumps a few years ago.
Burlington just doesn’t have the leadership nor the people it takes to raise itself up from the loser ranks as did Dubuque. In Burlington, government is too crooked and unknowledgeable with most of the educated workforce already gone having left the rest of us here to suffer until the city implodes which will inevitable occur.
In Lee County the County Attorney is to follow these few bullet points in the carrying out of his duties:
The County Attorney Does:
Prosecute all violations of state criminal laws and county ordinances.
Provide legal advice to the Board of Supervisors and county and township officers concerning county matters.
Represent and defend the state, county and its officers in officially related cases.
Recover all monies (debts, fines, penalties, etc.) owing to the state or county.
Present all mental health commitment proceedings and all juvenile delinquency and child in need of assistance cases.
There are both full-time and part-time County Attorneys in Iowa. Roughly two-thirds of all County Attorneys are part-time and may handle private legal work in addition to their official duties.
Under the above bullet points I could not find where it says a person applying for a fine repayment plan can be thrown out of the process by the County Attorney without a reasonable exclamation of why. I know of one such person that was told it would take two weeks after calling the Lee County Attorney’s office and requesting a plan be drawn up for payback of fines owed to the State of Iowa for previous driving violations; so this person could take a job that was promised but required a driver’s license.
A month later the person called the office as requested the status on the repayment plan and was insulted on the phone by the secretary for the County Attorney who bluntly told my friend it wasn’t completed after there was a request to call back, this person had waited a month to check on it. After a period of time the County Attorney called back telling my friend he was not going to process the repayment plan and the person could just forget about asking again. No reason was given for this action by the County Attorney; so it’s assumed the attorney had some sort of a vendetta against this person based on hearsay from his secretary.
Since when does a County Attorney have the power to select who will and who won’t receive a repayment plan to pay off their fines to gain employment based on some personal vendetta by an elected official who we know in government circles are seldom held unaccountable for their indiscretions from their superiors or to the people their suppose to serve. The sad part of the decision to crap on this person is it can make or break their ability to support themselves, a person who has been put on hold now for over 16 months by this Lee County Attorney who never indicated what the problem was.
I’m sure the State of Iowa would like the repayments to start but a lone wolf County Attorney can prevent the payment to Iowa for personal reasons having nothing to do with the law. These are the types of public servants Iowa doesn’t need holding office. There was no reason for not working out a repayment plan for this person who has gone jobless now for over 16 months forcing the taxpayer to pick up his living expenses when this person could support themselves were it not for this lone wolf County Attorney’s office in Lee County. The victim in this case took all the mandatory pre-repayment classes required, that weren’t free by any means, yet the repayment process was used to stifle his job chances and ability to earn a living.
I would think anyone the Lee County Attorney has thrown out of the fine repayment plan deserves a truthful reason why they were sentenced to a lifetime of taxpayer support and no chance of driving again in Iowa to secure employment because one County Attorney has named himself judge and jury over people’s lives. When a public servant lets his or her personal life gets in the way of his or her job performance, then it’s time for them to leave public service.
Photo by Dan Hockett Front: Regan Fraise, Alex Yacko, Tara Goff. Middle: Shayleigh Abbott, Riley Hale, Kelci Hill, Brandall Diaz, Machaela Diaz, Courtney Coffin. Back: Asst. Coach Kaitlyn Caston, Mady Yacko, Olivia Krieger, Reagan Rogerson, Kori Mesecher, Raegan Olson, Jashira Baylark, Asst. Coach Jason Yacko, Head Coach David Oleson.
Congratulations to the WB-ND girls softball team for an outstanding season. They just did a great job and have proven without a doubt the quality, determination and character of themselves and the two schools they represent.
The ballot for the Utility tax in Burlington has an A question and a B question that both look exactly like the same question with one slight difference that’s hardly noticeable because the voter is looking for the word “utility” and may not happen to notice one question is for gas and the other for electricity. Apparently the city doesn’t consider it just one bill for utilities although they do when it comes to the city extortion laden water bill that contains several different bills although totaled as one and that’s the same thing Alliant does.
I think the city is up to no good by the way they’ve stated the questions on the ballot that may be confusing to many voters who may leave one question blank because they don’t realize it’s broken down into two questions for a single utility bill with each utility combined.
Why couldn’t they just have one question with a simple yes or no answer such as: Do you want an increase on your utility bill from Alliant; so the city can rip us off further? O yes, O no
Why do they have to make it confusing to the voter because I was told many asked why the hell there were two similar proposals on the ballot. The voters, as I did may only see the word Utility and miss the gas and/or electric that through an illusion do not appear to the eye as the word utility does.
Voters should be sure they check no on each question because both have to be answered even though both are always on the same utility bill and not on separate ones as the ballot seems to indicate. Just like the city water bill where every thing they provide is on the same bill so just why does the city make up some dumb two question ballot for a one question proposal.
I know people in WB pay high water bills but here in Burlington it is outright theft by local government. I have a friend that lives alone and his new quarterly water bill totaled out at $280 and change. This is one person living in a large house who would use at most no more water than a one bathroom home regardless of how many bathrooms or rooms may be in the house. Burlington city management hasn’t yet figured out it’s people that use water and not rooms or freestanding toilets.
Burlington uses the water, sewer, trash bill to steal from the people in order to over pay city employees and provide them with free benefits, prop-up incapable city management and fund their dreams of grandeur that are never successful.
To stop the tax on utilities people had better vote no on the loosely termed Franchise Fee, actually a tax on already excessively high utility rates in Iowa, and don’t forget they can then raise it to 5% down the road and we all know that will happen in this poorly run city of Burlington.
Here’s a good behind the scenes look at what has been going on behind our backs to get another worthless immigration bill to waste taxpayer money on by our deadbeat congress and executive branches. The same methods used to pass the health care bill were used for the immigration bill. The gang of eight was nothing more than an extension of the Obama doctrine of brow beating bills though a simple minded dimwitted easily bought off congress of professional loafers and deadbeats earning a living off taxpayers.
The name of the game in Washington is bribery, deceit, payoffs, flip-flops and a host of other crooked methods utilized by our representation to force another worthless bill down taxpayer’s throats. This bill is just another example of pure charades that goes on in Washington and the White House. How many times do these worthless bureaucrats have to pass another un-enforced immigration bill when none of the other immigration bills have ever been enforced; so what makes anyone think this one will be because we’re still dealing with the deadbeats that passed the last un-enforced bill in 1986. Our government is making fools out of all of us time and time again because American people don’t have the guts to vote the losers out of office. Americans vote party rather than honesty, integrity and what’s best for the country because they constantly believe the lies these professional congressmen tell them such as, “I’ll clean up the mess in Washington” when they’re the ones that created the mess in Washington. The best solution is to put in term limits of one or two terms and their out for good and a fifteen year wait before they can be hired to work in government again or lobby. That would be a good start at stopping the corruption and sickness these professional congressmen have infested Washington with.
Below is the oath they take before starting their terms of office and does anyone think they uphold this oath? Snowden has more honesty and integrity than our congressmen. The word domestic in this oath means right here in America and our government has become an enemy of the people by passing such laws as this new immigration law along with the healthcare law and a host of others that weaken our country, specially spying on Americans for what Snowden spoke of and why the government is so bitter about him because unlike the government he spoke the truth because he interrupted the government as a domestic enemy of the people by spying on them.
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.
One could also ask about the oath Obama took that he seldom follows in his roughshod tin horn dictatorship as he bypasses the congress on just about every decision he makes through mandates and executive orders, while the congress hasn’t the guts to stand up to him by just cutting off his funding for which he has no power. We are governed by a bunch of spineless do nothings who are in Washington for nothing more than lining their pockets.
We’ve gone through at least four presidents all pushing for immigration reform none of which were ever enforced by the government except for the amnesty part, the latest being passed in 1984 when the government duped the citizenship all over again.
Now we have Obama pushing another immigration bill that undoubtedly will never be enforced nor will the border be secured as promised. This has all been gone through before and our government has no intentions, especially Obama of ever enforcing border security a fact he’s championed all along by suing states that tried to enforce federal law.
We’ve had the laws all along but no honest government to enforce it. Our government again is riding a dead horse but rest assured the amnesty part will be enforced immediately while the security part vanishes into thin air. After all we have a mini Obama puppet running Home Land Security and guess who’s responsible for the security on that border. Just like the mini Obama in the Cleveland IRS office who knew exactly what Obama wanted before he put her there, why else would she claim the 5th.