Burlington Entertainment Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

NFL now least liked sport, core fans down 31%

Click here: NFL now least liked sport, core fans down 31%
Burlington Entertainment Iowa Local News Technology West Burlington

Are you ready for a 1,000-horsepower Toyota Prius?

Click here: Imagine a 1,000-horsepower Toyota Prius
Burlington Entertainment Iowa Local News Technology West Burlington

Old School Ford GT40 beats a 707-HP Dodge Charger Hellcat


Burlington Entertainment Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

FakeNews: CNN Caught Arranging Fake Muslim Protest in London

CNN caught airing a FAKE Muslim Protest. CNN International’s Becky Anderson helps arrange a group of Muslims ostensibly demonstrating against Islamic terrorism and Islamism. Here’s how CNN aired the report:

Here’s CNN staging the Muslim Protest narrative just before making the report. Is it any wonder why viewers call CNN Fake News!

Burlington Entertainment Iowa Local News Technology West Burlington

Toyota claims ‘World’s Fastest SUV’ title

Toyota Claims the World’s Fastest SUV after a Land Cruiser hit 230 miles an hour
Burlington Entertainment Fort Madison Iowa Local Mt. Pleasant News West Burlington

IPTV VIDEO: Southeast Iowa Art Tour

Burlington Entertainment Financial Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

VIDEO: Stephen Colbert Mocks MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow

Late Show host Stephen Colbert pulls a ‘Rachel Maddow’ following Maddow’s over-hyped show on Tuesday night when she revealed two of President Donald Trump’s tax forms.

Burlington Education Entertainment Financial Health Iowa Local News West Burlington

VIDEO: Don’t Compare Yourself to Others

Have you ever envied someone else’s success? Do you sometimes wish you had another person’s life? Well, comedian Tom Shillue explains why comparing yourself to other people will put you on the fast track to an unhappy life.

Education Entertainment Iowa Local West Burlington

WBHS Large Group Speech Showcase

Photo by Dan Hockett
Mason Forquer (top) and Braxtyn Freeman (on back) perform “Improv Tonight!” in the First Annual Large Group Speech Showcase at West Burlington High School Auditorium Thursday night.
Photo by Dan Hockett
Samantha Myers performs “World’s Worst Nanny” as a Solo Mime in the First Annual Large Group Speech Showcase at West Burlington High School Auditorium Thursday night.
Photo by Dan Hockett
Adriana Moad with Braxtyn Freeman performs in “Another Hundred People” in the First Annual Large Group Speech Showcase at West Burlington High School Auditorium Thursday night.
Photo by Dan Hockett
Makenna Brockett with Braxtyn Freeman performs in “Another Hundred People” in the First Annual Large Group Speech Showcase at West Burlington High School Auditorium Thursday night.
Photo by Dan Hockett
Athena Moad with Braxtyn Freeman performs in “Another Hundred People” in the First Annual Large Group Speech Showcase at West Burlington High School Auditorium Thursday night.
Photo by Dan Hockett
Eric Fields (far left), HS/JH Language Arts Instructor, addresses the audience after members of the Large Speech Group finished their performance of “Hearing the Silent Cry” in the First Annual Large Group Speech Showcase at West Burlington High School Auditorium Thursday night.
Burlington Entertainment Health Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

VIDEOS: Give Generously, Save The Snowflakes!

Our nation’s snowflakes are being cared for by colleges and universities across the country. These schools – no, HEROES – are financially supporting cry-ins, hot chocolate, bubbles, kittens, puppies and ponies, crayons, and Play-Doh to comfort these wounded snowflakes. Some schools even canceled exams and classes to ensure that America’s youth are treated with extra care and understanding during these difficult times.

But clearly, state funding – tax-payer dollars – are simply not enough.

Their hopes crushed by the Electoral College, America’s snowflakes are desperately crying out for our help.

What happens when America’s political system shifts to the Right? America’s precious young snowflakes lose their minds, and folks, this is no laughing matter!

Save The Snowflakes Testimonial