Did you know the government deducts money out of every paycheck you get? Do you know where that money goes? Watch this short video on payroll taxes to learn more.
Category: Financial
Have you ever envied someone else’s success? Do you sometimes wish you had another person’s life? Well, comedian Tom Shillue explains why comparing yourself to other people will put you on the fast track to an unhappy life.
Click here – Campaign Records: Soros Fund Execs Funded Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, John McCain, John Kasich, Lindsey Graham in 2016

Click here: George Soros Bankrolling Effort to Stop Trump’s Temporary Refugee Halt Order

Why is America the world’s richest nation? Is it mostly because of the government, or is it thanks to entrepreneurs and businessmen? Historian Burt Folsom of Hillsdale College explains.