Burlington Education Financial Health Iowa Local News Political Technology West Burlington

Abundant, Clean, and Safe Energy

If you truly want to save the planet from global warming, there’s one energy source that can do it. It’s not wind or solar. It’s not coal, oil or natural gas, either. So what is it? Michael Shellenberger, founder of Environmental Progress, has the answer in this important video.
Burlington Financial Health Iowa Local Nature News Political Technology West Burlington

COVID-19 vaccine is 90% effective, says Pfizer

CLICK HERE: Dr. Anthony Fauci, said the results suggesting 90% effectiveness are “just extraordinary,” “Not very many people expected it would be as high as that.” “It’s going to have a major impact on everything we do with respect to COVID.”

Burlington Education Financial Iowa Local Political Security West Burlington

Capitalism or Socialism: Which One Is More Democratic?

What is the difference between free-market capitalism and democratic socialism? And which system is actually more fair and responsive to the needs of the people? Here’s a hint: names can be deceiving. Dinesh D’Souza has the answers.
Burlington Financial Health Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

They Say Like Scandinavia But They Mean Venezuela

What do Democratic Socialists like Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez want America to look like? They say they want America to emulate Scandinavian countries like Denmark and Sweden. But do their proposed policies reflect that? Or do they point down a darker path? Debbie D’Souza, a native Venezuelan and political commentator, investigates.
Burlington Financial Health Iowa Local News Political Religion Security West Burlington

Where Do You Want to Live: Red State or Blue State?

We’re supposed to be the United States of America. But in many ways, we’re now divided into two very different nations: red states and blue states. Which ones are succeeding? Which ones are failing? And why? To answer these questions, economist Stephen Moore compares them side-by-side.
Burlington Financial Iowa Local Opinion Political Security Technology West Burlington

Never Apologize to the Mob

What once was the start of healthy debate is now just as often a catalyst for personal and professional destruction. “The mob” is out to cancel anyone who crosses it. Paris Dennard describes the problem and offers a solution.
Burlington Financial Health Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

Police Go Where the Crime Is

Are the police friend or foe? Are they necessary to preserve order, or are they unnecessarily intrusive? Do they have society’s best interest in mind, or are they racist and violent? Heather Mac Donald, Senior Fellow at the Manhattan Institute, analyzes the numbers behind these hot-topic questions.
Burlington Burlington Notre Dame Education Financial Iowa Local Nature News Political Technology West Burlington

What’s Wrong with Wind and Solar?

Are wind, solar, and batteries the magical solutions to all our energy needs? Or do they come with too high a price? Mark Mills, Senior Fellow at the Manhattan Institute, analyzes the true cost — both economic and environmental
Burlington Financial Iowa Local News

Howard Johnson Hotel sold for $1.65-million

Click here: Howard Johnson Hotel in Burlington, Iowa, a 96-room hospitality property sold for $1.65 million.

Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

Iowa Democrat Theresa Greenfield Flip-Flops on CARES Act

Click here: Iowa Senate Democrat candidate Theresa Greenfield now says she would have voted for the coronavirus aid bill, the CARES Act, after attacking Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA) for voting for the legislation.

Democrat Theresa Greenfield’s Hypocrisy on CARES Act captured on Friday’s Iowa Press program.