Burlington Financial Health Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

Maine’s Time Limit on Welfare Helps People Out of Poverty

Click here: Maine’s Time Limit on Welfare Encouraged One Woman to Pull Herself Out of Poverty
Maine's Welfare Rolls (TANF; Temporary Aid for Needy Families ) drop 62% in 5-years.
Maine’s Welfare Rolls (TANF; Temporary Aid for Needy Families ) drops 62% in 5-years.
Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

Even Communist Countries can’t make Water Parks work

Click here: The haunting pictures of an abandoned Vietnam water park, opened in 2004, reclaimed by nature
Burlington Financial Health Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

Federal judge rules Obamacare funding unconstitutional

Click here: Federal judge rules Obamacare is being funded unconstitutionally      
Burlington Education Financial Health Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

Be a Man. Get Married.

Is bachelor life really the good life? Playing the field, traveling the world, and focusing on career sounds better than tying the knot. But is it possible that married men have more sex and make more money than their single counterparts? Brad Wilcox, sociologist at the University of Virginia, explains.

Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Security West Burlington

‘This Is Not Good’: Is This the ‘Scariest Chart’ About the U.S. Economy?

Click here: A New York Times report about slumping productivity growth is called “the scariest chart” about the state of the American economy.

Productivity 2015

Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

U.S. Economy Slows, GDP Growth Only 0.5%

Three sources; NY Times, Bloomberg, & Marketwatch report the bad news:

U.S. Economy Grew in First Quarter at Slowest Pace in Two Years

Economy grows in first quarter at slowest pace in two years

U.S. Economy Grew 0.5% in First Quarter, the Slowest Pace of Growth in Two Years

Burlington Education Financial Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

Only 37% of High School Seniors Prepared for College Math & Reading

Click here: Just 37% of U.S. High School Seniors Prepared for College Math and Reading, Test Shows
Burlington Education Financial Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

Why Private Investment Works & Government Investment Doesn’t

From transportation to energy, and everything in between, should the government invest money in as many promising projects as possible? Or would that actually doom many of those ventures to failure? Burt Folsom, historian and professor at Hillsdale College, answers those questions by drawing on the fascinating history of the race to build America’s railroads and airplanes.

Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

No One Works in 1 in 5 U.S. Families

Click here: In 2015, there were 16,060,000 families with no member employed

great depression soup line

Burlington Education Financial Health Iowa Local Nature News Political Technology West Burlington

Fossil Fuels: The Greenest Energy?

To make earth cleaner, greener and safer, which energy sources should humanity rely on? Alex Epstein of the Center for Industrial Progress explains how modern societies have cleaned up our water, air and streets using the very energy sources you may not have expected–oil, coal and natural gas.