Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

There’s a 100% Probability of a U.S. Recession Within a Year

Click here: Rogers Holdings Chairman Jim Rogers is certain that the U.S. economy will be in recession in the next 12 months.
Burlington Education Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

Your Second Amendment

Tired of listening to Progressives tell you that the Second Amendment only allows people in militias to keep and bear arms? Or that the Founders would have never intended the Second Amendment to apply to modern weapons? In his latest FIREWALL Bill recounts a remarkable conversation about the precise wording of the Second Amendment, and sums up why the document says what it means and means what it says.

Burlington Health Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

Trump Releases Seven Point Healthcare Reform Plan Repealing Obamacare

Click here: Donald Trump Releases Seven Point Healthcare Reform Plan Repealing Obamacare
Burlington Education Entertainment Health Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

Who NOT to Vote For

Adam Carolla isn’t going to tell you who to vote for. But he is going to tell you who NOT to vote for. And in a time when candidates running for office promise the moon, one of America’s funniest comedians shares a few tips about how to spot the candidate that you should run from.

Burlington Financial Health Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

Poll: Only 15 percent have benefited from ObamaCare

Click here: Only 15 percent of people say they have personally benefited from ObamaCare


Burlington Education Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

Iowa High School Students admonished for chanting “Trump! Trump! Trump!”

Click here: Unreal. Students at Dallas Center-Grimes were admonished for chanting “Trump! Trump! Trump!” after a high school basketball game.

Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political Technology West Burlington

“Silicon Prairie,” Tech Entrepreneurs Flock to Midwest

Click here: Low pay tourism is out, America’s new entrepreneurial frontier is hi-tech companies moving to Midwest States like Nebraska and Iowa.
Burlington Education Health Iowa Local News West Burlington

Anger Management

Do you struggle to control your anger? Are you the victim of someone who loses their temper? When you feel angry, controlling that rage is very difficult–but it’s possible. And Joseph Telushkin, a rabbi and best-selling author, shares one simple, doable rule that may just save the relationships of those who take it seriously.

Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

45% of Americans pay no federal income tax

Click here: 45.3 percent of American households — roughly 77.5 million — pay no federal individual income tax.
Burlington Education Financial Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

What is Crony Capitalism?

This election season there’s a lot of talk about corruption, about politicians being “bought and sold”, and about “crony capitalism”. What do those terms mean? Why should we care? Is there a way to reduce corruption and restore our trust in government? Author Jay Cost, staff writer at The Weekly Standard, answers these questions and proposes a solution that every society could benefit from.