Is the United States an exceptional country that has played a uniquely good role in history? Or is it a typical country, perhaps even a uniquely bad one considering the legacy of slavery and Jim Crow? On this, the Left and Right do not agree.
Category: Local
How do you want to improve America? By focusing on improving and refining yourself? Or by transforming society? The answer to that question will reveal whether you’re on the Left or the Right.
How big should the government be? And what is its proper role in the daily lives of Americans? The Left and Right have opposite answers.
UPDATE (12/11/15): Theft of dozens of propane tanks, purchase of 150 prepaid cell phones in Missouri puts FBI on alert
Click here: FBI was alerted recently after several “suspicious” bulk purchases of mobile phones at multiple Walmart locations across the state of Missouri.
One location, Macon, MO, is only 150-miles from Burlington.
Police say just before 4am Saturday morning, two men purchased about 60 phones from the Lebanon Walmart store in addition to three other reports of similar incidents in Columbia, Macon and Jefferson City.
Click here: Liar, liar, pantsuit on fire: Hillary Clinton still insists she didn’t tell the grieving families of the Benghazi victims that an anti-Islam video was to blame.
Yet family members say she said just that, three days after the attack, at the Sept. 14, 2012, ceremony at Andrews Air Force Base.
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Click here: Pointing to an Islamic terrorist attack in California that killed 14 and wounded 21 and a mentally ill shooter in Sandy Hook, NJ that killed 20 in 2012 – all defenseless victims in gun-free zones – Iowa citizens and parents have urged the Governor and Legislature to eliminate gun-free zones in schools, saying Iowans should be allowed to defend themselves when faced with the potential of mass violence.
Iowa schools are currently gun-free zones, and Branstad said he believes the policy should remain in place.