Burlington Health Iowa Local News West Burlington

Iowa Doctor Calls for an End to Gun Free Zones

Click here: This simple but profound truth has been proven time after time. “Gun free zones” have become “Hunting preserves for psychopathic murders”. It is time for the killing to stop. End “gun free zones”.

Gun Free Zone Except Bad Guys

Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Opinion Political West Burlington

Nearly 1,000 People Move From Blue States to Red States Every Day. Here’s Why.

Click here: “Progressives” love to talk about how their policies will create a worker’s paradise, but then why is it that day after day, month after month, year after year, people are fleeing liberal blue states for conservative red states?

I’ve never met a Democrat who could come up with even a semi-plausible explanation for why families and businesses are hightailing it out of blue states. They are leaving states with high minimum wages, pro-union work rules, high taxes on the rich, generous welfare benefits, expansive regulations to “help” workers, green energy policies, etc. People are voting with their feet against these liberal policies.

The underlying trend is unmistakable: Liberal blue states are economic dinosaurs. Will they change their ways before they go the way of Detroit and become extinct?

Burlington Iowa Local News Political Technology West Burlington

Toyota trucks are popular with terrorists — here’s why

Click here: These Toyota trucks are popular with terrorists — here’s why


Burlington Education Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

The Tragedy of Gun Free Zones

Click here: “Schools became popular targets for young mass murderers in the mid 1990s, around the time that the Gun Free School Zones act of 1994 was enacted. This law and similar local laws were targeted at gang related violence, but had the unfortunate consequence of making schools a more attractive target for disturbed teens who wanted to end their own lives with a dramatic killing spree. “

In 1999, John Lott and William Landes published an extensive statistical study of multiple shooting incidents. They showed that mass shootings occur less often in areas where responsible citizens are allowed permits to carry weapons discretely.

Have you ever heard of a mass shooting in a police station, at a pistol range, or at a gun show? Suicidal mass murderers may be insane, but they are not necessarily stupid. They always select a soft target for their final acts of violence. This principle also
applies to many other types of crime.

Expecting a deranged, suicidal individual to honor a law prohibiting guns is sheer utopian fantasy. Creating and publicizing a gun free zone will, in fact, increase the chances of the kind of tragedy we seek to prevent.”

Burlington Education Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

Radical Islam: The Most Dangerous Ideology

Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

Report: Chamber of Commerce to Spend $100 Million to Destroy Tea Party

Click here: “The U.S. Chamber of Commerce will literally double down in its efforts to crush the Tea Party to get legislation–like a comprehensive amnesty bill and the reauthorization of the Export-Import Bank–that it covets.”


Burlington Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

Gallup: Half in U.S. Say Government Is an Immediate Threat

Click here: Almost half of Americans, 49%, say the federal government poses “an immediate threat to the rights and freedoms of ordinary citizens”
Burlington Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

Gallup: 75% of Americans See Widespread Government Corruption

Click here: Three in four Americans (75%) last year perceived corruption as widespread in the country’s government.
Burlington Education Iowa Local News Opinion Political Technology West Burlington

ACLU-Iowa opposes Burlington Schools use of Body Cameras

Click here: Body Cameras in Schools Invade Student Privacy

“Des Moines and other school districts already equip their school resource officers (police officers posted in the schools) with body cameras. Now Burlington school administrators have announced that they will start wearing body cameras during interactions with parents and students.

Body cameras in the schools are especially problematic. They allow school staff to invade student privacy at an increasingly intimate level — different than the overall monitoring of more open spaces. Body cameras present a real threat to students’ privacy and contribute to an environment in our schools of pervasive, intrusive surveillance.

Imagine the effect on an already shy student speaking up with a dissenting view in a political science class. Or teachers videotaping in locker rooms and restrooms — certainly places where more than a few scuffles or arguments can break out. We also have concerns about a principal recording students who come into his office. How is a student supposed to confide about the true nature of the problem with a camera trained steadily on him? There are also concerns about how long the footage is retained and who has access to it.”

Burlington Education Financial Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

Why Capitalism is Really ‘ Morally Superior’