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Are Electric Cars Really Green?

Are electric cars greener than conventional gasoline cars? If so, how much greener? What about the CO2 emissions produced during electric cars’ production? And where does the electricity that powers electric cars come from? Environmental economist Bjorn Lomborg, director of the Copenhagen Consensus Center, examines how environmentally friendly electric cars really are.

Burlington Education Iowa Local Nature News West Burlington

Sex and the Power of the Visual

Why are men so easily turned on sexually by a woman’s legs, but not vice-versa? Why are female strip clubs so much more prevalent and popular than male strip clubs, but not vice-versa? In five minutes, Dennis Prager explains why the answers to these questions reveal so much about male and female sexual nature, and how the visual impacts the two sexes in totally different ways.

Burlington Education Iowa Local Nature News Political West Burlington

Where Do Good and Evil Come From?

If there is a God, why is there so much evil? How could any God that cares about right and wrong allow so much bad to happen? And if there is no God, who then determines what is right and what is wrong? The answers to these questions, as Boston College philosopher Peter Kreeft explains, go to the heart of ethics, morality and how we know what it means to be a decent person.

Burlington Education Health Iowa Local Nature News West Burlington

The collapse of parenting: Why it’s time for parents to grow up

Click here: The recent collapse of parenting is at least partly to blame for kids becoming overweight, overmedicated, anxious and disrespectful of themselves and those around them.
 “Parenting is awfully frustrating and often a lonely place,” says Neufeld, a prominent Vancouver psychologist, especially when a child misbehaves.  “When parents realize that they are their children’s best bet, it challenges them to their own maturity.” It gives them the confidence that they know what’s good for their kids, and that they should stand up to them—this is, in fact, an act of love required of parents. They become, in effect, the grown-ups their children need.
Burlington Iowa Nature News Political Technology West Burlington

Satellite Data Shows 2015 Was NOT The Hottest Year On Record

Click here: Satellite Data Shows 2015 Wasn’t Even Close To Being The Hottest Year On Record
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Burlington Education Health Iowa Local Nature News Political West Burlington

NASA’s Climate change shock: Burning fossil fuels ‘COOLS planet’

Click here: BURNING fossil fuels and cutting down trees causes global COOLING, a new NASA study has found.
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NOAA Relies On ‘Compromised’ Thermometers That Inflate US Warming Trend

Click here: “The majority of weather stations used by NOAA to detect climate change temperature signal have been compromised by encroachment of artificial surfaces like concrete, asphalt, and heat sources like air conditioner exhausts,” Anthony Watts, a seasoned meteorologist and lead author of the study, said in a statement Thursday.


Burlington Education Financial Health Iowa Nature News Political Technology West Burlington

Is Climate Change Our Biggest Problem?

Is man-made climate change our biggest problem? Are the wildfires, droughts and hurricanes we see on the news an omen of even worse things to come? The United Nations and many political leaders think so and want to spend trillions of tax dollars to reverse the warming trend. Are they right? Will the enormous cost justify the gain? Economist Bjorn Lomborg, director of the Copenhagen Consensus Center, explains the key issues and reaches some sobering conclusions.

Burlington Education Iowa Local Nature News Political West Burlington

Really…? Now they believe? Scientists turn to religion to get climate action

Click here: In a most bizarre twist, scientists now claim it’s not God versus science, but followers of God and science working together trying to save humanity and the planet.
“The world will not act enough on climate change, until we teach this in every church, every mosque, every synagogue, every temple.”


Burlington Education Health Iowa Local Nature News West Burlington

Pediatrician of 30-yrs. shows you how to calm a crying baby

Dr. Hamilton shows how to calm a crying baby. This technique has been utilized by Dr. Bob to quiet infants during office visits. Parents have learned it and have experienced great success at home. You can too.