Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Opinion Political Security West Burlington

Donald J. Trump’s statements over the past 30-years

Burlington Iowa News Opinion Political West Burlington

Ted Cruz: A Very Small Man

Click here: I’m ashamed that I voted for Ted Cruz. I thought he was a patriot. Last night, he proved he isn’t. He made a solemn pledge to support the Republican nominee. And he broke that crucial promise. However bitter and angry he is at Donald Trump, he knows that Trump is the only person standing between Hillary Clinton (a liar, a fraud, a thief and a traitor) and the presidency.
Burlington Iowa Local News Opinion Political Security Technology West Burlington

NY Times: The Clinton Contamination

Click here: “You’ve got a situation here where the woman who would be in charge of setting national security policy as president has been deemed by the F.B.I. unsuitable to safeguard and handle classified information,” Bill Savarino, a Washington lawyer specializing in security clearances.
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Burlington Iowa Local News Opinion Political Security West Burlington

Hillary Clinton Blames Whites, Cops for Deaths of Young Black Men

Click here: Hillary Clinton used a CNN interview on Friday to completely embrace the Democrats’ claim that white people and cops must change to help reduce the number of African-Americans killed in tense exchanges with cops.
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Burlington Iowa Local News Opinion Political Religion West Burlington

President Obama and Islam

Bill O’Reilly shares photos of Barack Obama in traditional Muslim dress he claims are from half-brother Malik’s wedding saying they prove his ‘deep emotional ties to Islam’

Burlington Iowa Local News Opinion Political Security West Burlington

FBI gave Hillary Clinton a legal victory – and a political setback

Click here: FBI gave Hillary Clinton a legal victory – and a political setback
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Burlington Iowa Local News Opinion Political Security West Burlington

AG Lynch’s Airport Meeting with Bill Clinton sent a Clear Message to DOJ Subordinates

NY POST: “The tarmac summit sent a signal. It is a signal to all of the hardworking FBI agents who have the goods on Hillary. The attorney general has made it clear what team she is on. The attorney general isn’t on the side of justice. She’s on the Democratic Party team.

This is the unspoken message from Lynch to all of the FBI agents on the case and to all the front-line lawyers at the Justice Department: When you send your recommendation to refer Hillary’s case to the grand jury, you had better realize your burden to convince me I should sign off on a grand-jury request is higher than you thought. These are my friends.”

Burlington Iowa Local News Opinion Political Security West Burlington

Limbaugh: We’re being played by the Clintons

Click here: We’re Being Played by the Clintons
Burlington Iowa Local News Opinion Political Security West Burlington

It’s the Terrorists, Stupid

Click here: The Real Threat — To Hillary Clinton’s Campaign

JFK Kennedy Second Amedment

Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Opinion Political West Burlington

Pew Poll: Newspaper declines accelerate

Click here: Newspaper industry lost 7 percent of daily circulation in 2015 and 8 percent of ad revenues.