Burlington Education Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

Is Harvard Racist?

Harvard University’s admissions policy is proof that one can remember negative history, write about it in great and vivid detail, and still be doomed to repeat it. In the name of “affirmative action” and “diversity,” Harvard is doing to Asian-American applicants exactly what it once did to Jewish applicants: discriminate. Lee Cheng explains in this short 5-minute video.

Burlington Health Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

Mayor Arrested After Shooting At SWAT Team

Click here: Mayor a ‘known drug user’ with history of violence, says Sheriff.

Burlington Education Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

What Made George Washington Great?

There would have never been a United States of America without George Washington. John Rhodehamel, author of “George Washington: The Wonder of the Age,” details in this short 5-minute video how Washington successfully guided the budding nation through war and nurtured her in peace.

Burlington Education Financial Health Iowa Local News Political Security Technology West Burlington

VIDEO: Most students loved Ocasio-Cortez’s ‘Green New Deal’…until finding out what’s in it.

Students loved the idea of the Green New Deal… But they changed their mind after hearing what was actually in it. Watch this short 4-minute video to find why.

Burlington Financial Health Iowa Local News Political Security Technology West Burlington

America Wants Legal Immigrants

Virtually everyone knows America has a big illegal immigration problem. But we also have a legal immigration problem: Current U.S. immigration policy is not serving the best interests of America. Is there a way to protect American citizens and still welcome newcomers to our shores? Reihan Salam offers an insightful solution in this short 5-minute video.

Burlington Financial Health Iowa Local Political Security West Burlington

Venezuelans Warn Americans Who Want Socialism

Click here: Venezuelans in Washington D.C. warn young people in America who want Socialism.

Burlington Iowa Local Political West Burlington

Why You Can’t Argue with a Leftist

When two people share the same goals, they can disagree – even strongly disagree – and still have a productive discussion about how to reach those shared objectives. As comedian and author Owen Benjamin explains in this short 4-minute video, the problem with America today is we no longer share the same goals, and that’s tearing us apart.
Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

Why Hosting The Super Bowl Isn’t Worth It

The NFL and host committees ‘claim’ that the Super Bowl brings between $300 to $500 million to host cities. Economist Victor Matheson estimates the big game only brings in between $30 to $130 million. The NFL’s higher estimates encourage cities to continue to provide the NFL with tax subsidies to host the event and build new stadiums.

Burlington Financial Health Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

Payrolls surge by 304,000, smashing estimates despite government shutdown

Click here: Job growth in January shattered expectations, with nonfarm payrolls surging by 304,000, the Labor Department says. Economists surveyed by Dow Jones had expected payrolls to rise by 170,000.

Burlington Financial Health Iowa Local News Political Security Technology West Burlington

Why Trump Won

Were you shocked at the results of the 2016 American presidential election? Most people were, but Stephen Harper was not one of them. Here, the former Prime Minister of Canada explains in this short 5-minute video the trends that foreshadowed Trump’s victory and left many political elites looking wildly out of touch.