Burlington Iowa News Political West Burlington

NBC’s Gregory Mocks NRA for Proposing Armed Guards, but Sends His Kids to High-Security School

Click Here: David Gregory mocked the NRA’s Wayne LaPierre for proposing that armed guards be at every school in America. But the NBC host seems to have no problem with armed guards protecting his kids everyday where they attend school in Washington, D.C.

Burlington Burlington Notre Dame Danville Fort Madison Iowa Mediapolis New London News Political West Burlington

Gallup: To Stop Shootings, Americans Focus on Police, Mental Health

Click Here: 64% favor arming at least one school official

Burlington Iowa News Political West Burlington

2012 was the best year ever

Never in the history of the world has there been less hunger, less disease and more prosperity

Burlington Iowa News Political West Burlington

Police Chief Recommends Arming School Personnel

“Police Chief Tim Fitch says it is time to talk about arming civilian school personnel following Friday’s massacre in Newtown, Connecticut, comparing it to arming airline pilots after September 11, 2001.”

Burlington Iowa News Political West Burlington

Gun-free zones provide false sense of security

Killers aren’t stopped by these policies

“After a shooting spree,” author William Burroughs once said, “they always want to take the guns away from the people who didn’t do it.”

There are a lot of problems with this approach, but one of the most significant is this one:  It doesn’t work.  One of the interesting characteristics of mass shootings is that they generally occur in places where firearms are banned: malls, schools, etc.  That was the finding of a famous 1999 study by John Lott of the University of Maryland and William Landes of the University of Chicago, and it appears to have been borne out by experience since then as well.

Burlington Iowa News Political West Burlington

Attorney General Secretly Grants Government Ability to Develop and Store Dossiers on Innocent Americans

Click Link: Attorney General Secretly Granted Gov. Ability to Develop and Store Dossiers on Innocent Americans

Attorney General Eric Holder
Attorney General Eric Holder
Burlington Iowa Letters to Falcon Political West Burlington

Iowa Government Worker Pay Too High


Readers should go to the below site to find a table explaining State of Iowa Base Pay Compared to Market Base Pay Details.  In other words what the over paid state workers get while preforming the same jobs private sector workers do.

There’s a workforce advisor position which the state pays 50% more than does the private sector while most of the 47 jobs the state workers are grossly overpaid compared to the private sector person doing the same job.  There’s also one job getting 55% and another 46%; so readers should basically read the entire article by the Public Interest Institute.

No wonder our taxes are grossly high and totally unnecessary just so state employees can live good life off the backs of Iowa’s private employees.


Burlington Iowa Nature News Political West Burlington

NASA is so sure the world won’t come to an end on Dec. 21, 2012, they released a video early.

Burlington Iowa News Political West Burlington

Only 15 States Opt to Run Obamacare Exchanges

Only 15 States Opt to Run Obamacare Exchanges

Burlington Iowa News Political West Burlington

73% of New Jobs Created in Last 5 Months Are in Government

Seventy-three percent of the new civilian jobs created in the United  States over the last five months are in government, according to official  data published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics