Burlington Iowa News Political West Burlington

Anti-gun Illinois Senator arrested at Airport with a gun

Illinois State Senator Donne Trotter was charged with a felony after trying to carry a handgun onto an aircraft.

Burlington Iowa News Political West Burlington

Obama Will Have to Cut 37% From Budget To Hit Clinton’s Spending Levels

Obama Wants Clinton’s Tax Rates, but NOT Clinton’s Spending Levels

Burlington Danville Fort Madison Iowa Mediapolis New London News Political West Burlington

Republicans Lead the Best-Run States in America, Democrats Dominate the Worst

Click Link: The annual Best and Worst Run States in America survey by 24/7 Wall St. came out today, revealing that the top 5 states  are led by Republicans (Iowa is ranked 5th) while the bottom five are dominated by Democrats (Illinois is ranked 48th).


Burlington Iowa News Political West Burlington

Poll: Americans Blame Republicans for Fiscal Cliff

Click Link: Poll: More Americans Blame Republicans For Fiscal Cliff Impasse

Burlington Iowa News Political West Burlington

Insiders Explain How Mitt Romney’s Campaign Completely Fell Apart On Election Day

Click Link: A major source of Romney’s Get Out The Vote (GOTV) problems appears to have been the disastrous Project ORCA, an expensive technological undertaking that was supposed to provide the campaign with real-time poll monitoring that would allow Republicans to target GOTV efforts on Election Day.

Burlington Iowa News Political West Burlington

Rubio Hits Fundraising Records in Iowa

Click Link: Rubio Hits Fundraising Records in Iowa

Marco Rubio
Letters to Falcon Political

Greedy Self Serving Losers


The biggest entitlement group in America is the congress a group of greedy self serving losers who rob the American taxpayer every year through excessive wages, excessive benefits, excessive holidays, extreme lazyness, excessive retirement and worst of all no accountability or ethics to the people they supposedly represent.

They make and pass laws that affect everyone except themselves.  They have robbed the American people through insider trading for years and all have become wealthy by stealing from the citizens and country they are supposed to represent.  They believe in nepotism when it comes to their own relatives and friends.  Basically these deadbeats are nothing but wards of the American people and need to be thrown out of office and replaced for dereliction of duty by people who want the job for reasons other than greed, power and selfishness which are the current standards set by the congress.

There should be a national vote to determine if congress must work 40 hours per week, get no more than four weeks vacation after ten years on the job, no work no pay and obey the same laws as does the public including DUI, insider trading, speeding tickets, stealing, fraud and all laws same as the public must.  Their benefits should be no more than the private sector gets and their healthcare should be under the same plan as the public is forced to have such as Obamacare.  No special health insurance unless the public gets the same choices as the congress actually the public should have the same laws and benefits as does the congress regardless provided they don’t live under our laws.  There’s nothing special about a congressman that a private citizen couldn’t do.

It’s time the congress get back to basics and that’s representing the people rather than themselves.

Congress has been representing itself for many years now while letting the people drift around with no leadership nor representation in Washington at all by these clowns currently in Washington.

Congress has replaced the used car salesmen and lawyers as the greedest, selfserving, losers placed on this earth.  It’s time for change and we need to get a movement going that puts our servants back into our control.  We have a situation where the tail is wagging the dog.


News Political

White House Website Deluged as 20 States Petition for Secession

Click Link: White House website deluged with secession petitions from 20 states

Secession petitions include: Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, South Carolina and Tennessee

News Political

Obama Writes 6,125 new Regs in 90-days

Democrat President Obama Writes 6,125 Proposed Regulations and Notifications Posted in Last 90 Days–Average 68 per Day

News Political

Gun Sales Soar after Obama’s Election

Click Link: US guns sales soar after Barack Obama’s re-election