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The Last Straw

The claim that Americans use 500 million plastic straws daily is based on a nine-year-old’s school project. We explain in this short 4-minute video.

Burlington Iowa Local News Political Security Technology West Burlington

A Nation of Immigrants

The media narrative today is that America has become “xenophobic” and is turning its back on new immigrants. But that narrative is sharply contradicted by the fact that the United States maintains the most generous immigration policies in the world. In this week’s new 5-minute video, CRTV host and best-selling author Michelle Malkin explains how ill-conceived immigration policies threaten to destroy the American Dream for everyone.

Burlington Financial Health Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

Like Socialism? Look at the stacks of cash Venezuelans must use to buy basics

Click here: Shocking images show the amount of cash required to buy some basic supplies as socialist Venezuela’s hyperinflation spirals out of control.
In socialist Venezuela it takes a stack of bank notes worth 2,600,000 bolivars to purchase a single roll of toilet paper.
Burlington Health Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

Georgia Democrat arrested for murdering campaign manager

Click here: A former democrat congressional candidate in Georgia has been charged with murder after her former campaign manager was found dead in apartment.
Burlington Education Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

What Was the Cold War?

The decades-long “Cold War” (1947-1989) between the United States and the Soviet Union was so named because the two global powers never came to direct blows. Yet, the war was not without its victims. In fact, millions of Cubans, Koreans and Vietnamese suffered under Communist tyranny. In this short 5-minute video, Renowned British historian Andrew Roberts explains in why “The Cold War” could just as easily be called “The Third World War.”

Burlington Health Iowa Local Nature News Political Security West Burlington

Make Men Masculine Again

Rape, murder, war – all have one thing in common: Men. The solution seems simple: make men less toxic – make men less masculine. In this short 5-minute video, Allie Stuckey, Host of “Allie” on CRTV & “Relatable” podcast, explains why demonizing masculinity is not the solution, but the problem.

Burlington Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

At least 100 newspapers sign up to coordinate editorials attacking President Trump

Click here: News media outlets, angered by President Trump calling out their seemingly endless string of ‘Fake News’ reports, are coordinating an editorial attack targeting President Trump on Thursday, August 16th. “This dirty war on the free press must end,” proclaims the American Society of News Editors on its blog. “The Boston Globe is reaching out to editorial boards across the country to propose a coordinated response. The Globe proposes to publish an editorial on Aug. 16 on the dangers of the administration’s assault on the press and ask others to commit to publishing their own editorials on the same date. Publications, whatever their politics, could make a powerful statement by standing together in the common defense of their profession and the vital role it plays in government for and by the people.” Question for the news editors – Instead of attacking President Trump, why not just simply report the news in a factual and accurate manner without the leftest political bias?
Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

Iowa Examples of Tax Reform Good News

Click here: Thanks to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act passed by the Republican congress and signed by President Donald Trump, 90 percent of wage earners have higher take-home pay. And companies of all sizes are already giving bonuses and raises and expanding the scope of their operations. Click here for several examples of tax reform good news in Iowa.

Burlington Education Health Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

Parkland Schools’ culture of tolerance lets students like Florida shooter slide

Click here: The South Florida Sun Sentinel newspaper obtained the Florida school shooter’s discipline records and found he was suspended at least 67 days over less than 18-months prior to the shooting. Parkland School’s culture of leniency allows students to engage in an endless loop of violations and second chances, creating a system where kids who commit the same offense for the 10th time may be treated like it’s the first. THE SHOOTER’S 4-PAGE DISCIPLINE REPORT is published at the at the bottom of this article.


Burlington Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-CA) had a Chinese Spy Who Worked for her over 20-years

Click here: New details emerged about how a mole for the government of communist China managed to stay by Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein’s side for nearly 20 years. Senator Feinstein — who was Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee at the time — was reportedly mortified when the FBI told her she’d be infiltrated.