Burlington Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

Deadly Corruption – 113 Politicians Have Been Killed Ahead Of Mexico’s Election. There Are Still Two Weeks To Go.

Click here: It has been a brutal electoral season, even by Mexico’s violent standards. At least 113 candidates, pre-candidates, and current and former politicians have been killed and 300 more have suffered some form of aggression since September.
Burlington Health Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

NY Times: Recycling is a Scam – Much of it ends up in landfills anyway

Click here: The New York Times reports that plastics and papers from dozens of American cities and towns are being dumped in landfills after China stopped recycling most “foreign garbage.”
Burlington Health Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

Some Inconvenient Truths About Recycling

Click here: It has become an article of faith in the U.S. that recycling is a good thing. But evidence is piling up that recycling is a waste of time and money, and a bit of a fraud. The New York Times recently reported that, unknown to most families who spend hours separating garbage into little recycling bins, much of the stuff ends up in a landfill anyway.
Burlington Education Health Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

Dangerous People Are Teaching Your Kids

You are currently funding some dangerous people. These people are indoctrinating young minds throughout the West with their ideology that’s built on resentment. In this short 5-minute video, Jordan Peterson, Professor of Psychology at the University of Toronto, explains who they are and how American parents and taxpayers have found themselves funding this dangerous gang of nihilists.

Burlington Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

TRUMP APPROVAL RATING Better than Obama and Reagan at Same Point in their Presidencies

Click here: President Trump’s approval is now at 45%, better than Obama and Reagan at the same point in their presidency. And that is with 90% negative coverage from the far left mainstream media.
Photo by Dan Hockett
President Donald Trump speaks to a packed U.S. Cellular Center crowd in Cedar Rapids, Iowa June, 21, 2017
Burlington Education Financial Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

Adam Carolla’s 2018 Commencement Address, ‘Don’t Make Things Worse’

Adam Carolla, comedian, social critic and host of the wildly popular Adam Carolla podcast, delivers the short 5-minute 2018 commencement address for PragerU. He offers some sage advice and makes a heart-felt request — as only Adam can.

Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

CNBC: Trump’s economy suddenly looks like it’s unstoppable

Click here: “May’s rebound in jobs together with yesterday’s report of solid income growth and the rise in consumer confidence points to the economy functioning very well,” the National Retail Federation’s chief economist, Jack Kleinhenz, said in a statement. “Solid fundamentals in the job market are encouraging for retail spending, as employment gains generate additional income for consumers and consequently increase spending.”

Burlington Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

The biggest story NOT in the news. President Trump and Congress make significant progress on agenda

Click here: While the news media keeps much of America in the dark, President Trump and Congress actually have been getting some work done together.
Photo by Dan Hockett
President Donald Trump speaks to a packed U.S. Cellular Center crowd in Cedar Rapids, Iowa June, 21, 2017
Burlington Health Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

Cost-Benefit Analysis of Recycling in the United States: Is Recycling Worth It?

Click here: Although recycling programs in the United States have become a key component in waste management, recycling programs are in fact one the most costly methods of waste disposal. With the time, money, and energy spent collecting and processing recycled goods, the price of recycling is much higher than discarding waste into landfills or incinerators. Despite the high costs of recycling, proponents of recycling argue that the environmental and health benefits of recycling outweigh the costs. Recycling advocates believe that recycling is more than just an issue of economics and is essential to caring for human health and environmental sustainability. Nevertheless, recycling facilities not only cost a great deal of money, but they also damage the environment by generating large amounts of waste and endanger human health by emitting numerous toxic pollutants. Instead of spending a large sum of money on recycling programs, we should put money towards higher priority programs such as healthcare, education, and cost-effective environmental initiatives. Given that the environmental and health benefits of recycling do not outweigh the high costs, the United States must cut down its number of recycling programs.
Burlington Education Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

America’s 2nd War of Independence

In this 5-minute video, author Brian Kilmeade sheds light on the largely and unfortunately overlooked War of 1812. Kilmeade explains how this war got started, the daunting odds against a nation in its infancy, and the unlikely hero who secured America’s young nation’s future by pulling off one of the greatest upsets in military history.