Burlington Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

President Trump Pardons Late Boxing Champion Jack Johnson, the first black heavyweight-boxing world champion

Born 1878 in Galveston, TX., Jack Arthur Johnson, nicknamed the Galveston Giant, the son of ex-slaves who, at the height of the Jim Crow era, became the first African American world heavyweight boxing champion in 1908 when he beat Tommy Burns. He defended the title in a 1910 match that sparked race riots nationwide when he beat Jim Jeffries. Johnson was convicted in 1913 for violating a racist Jim Crow-era law that made it illegal to transport a white woman – who he would later marry – across state lines “for the purpose of prostitution or debauchery, or for any other immoral purpose.”

President Trump said at a ceremony in the Oval Office on Thursday that Johnson is “very worthy” of a full pardon. “I am taking this very righteous step, I believe, to correct a wrong that occurred in our history, and to honor a truly legendary boxing champion, legendary athlete and a person that, when people got to know him, they really liked him and they really thought he was treated unfairly,” Trump said.

Resolutions were approved by both the House and Senate in the last Congress urging Johnson’s pardon, but then-President Obama did not sign off on the measure.

Burlington Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

Attorney representing Stormy Daniel ordered to pay $10 million Judgement

Click here: Michael Avenatti’s law firm ordered by judge to pay $10-million judgement.
Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

Tens of Thousands Flee Illinois over Taxes

Will citizens now flee Burlington over high property taxes too?

Click here: Illinois is losing more citizens every year than nearly every other state. The biggest reason is because the state is simply taxing them out of their homes. Even the Chicago Tribune’s editorial board says it no longer makes any sense to live in Illinois. A Chicago couple who moved out of state said the move gave them back an amazing 25 percent of their income that would no longer be lost to property taxes. So, how is the Illinois state’s legislature reacting to the tens of thousands of constituents leaving every year over high taxes? Well, legislators are proposing a massive tax hike, naturally.
Burlington Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

Playing the Black Card

In America, there’s a card more valuable than any card from Visa or American Express. What is it? How can you get one? Candace Owens, Communications Director for Turning Point USA, answers these questions in a short 5-minute video.

Burlington Education Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

More States Allow Schools to Arm Staff

Click here: School districts in three more states announced that they would arm school staff. The map keeps changing as more and more states allow districts to adopt a policy to allow some of their teachers and staff to go armed.

Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

Dispelling Claims by Farm Subsidy Proponents

Click here: Agricultural special interests try to make it sound as though touching even one farm subsidy—regardless of how unreasonable the subsidy is—will be the end of agriculture as we know it. Using scare tactics, they will assert wild claims without any support, or they will cherry-pick data to provide a misleading picture. For example, they often point to declines from record or near-record highs. The following provides answers to some common claims made by the special interests.
Burlington Iowa Local News Political Religion Security West Burlington

The Suicide of Europe

Europe, sadly, is committing suicide. How did this happen? In this week’s short 5-minute video, Douglas Murray, author of The Strange Death of Europe, explains the two major causes of Europe’s impending downfall.

Burlington Health Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

FBI Acknowledges Life-Saving Abilities of Armed Citizens

Click here: FBI report states, “Armed and unarmed citizens engaged the shooter in 10 [of the 50 active shooter] incidents. They safely and successfully ended the shootings in eight of those incidents. Their selfless actions likely saved many lives. The enhanced threat posed by active shooters and the swiftness with which active shooter incidents unfold support the importance of preparation by law enforcement officers and citizens alike.”
Click here for FBI 18-page report

Burlington Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

Media Get Trumped: President’s Polls Improve Despite 90% Negative Coverage

Click here: The liberal media’s war against President Trump was as fierce as ever during the first four months of 2018, but the onslaught appears to be for naught: In the face of massive and hostile coverage from ABC, CBS and NBC, Trump’s overall job approval rating actually rose.
Photo by Dan Hockett
President Donald Trump speaks to a packed U.S. Cellular Center crowd in Cedar Rapids, Iowa June, 21, 2017
Burlington Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

There have been 103 Islamist terror plots in the U.S. since 9/11.

Click here: Earlier this week, 17-year-old Matin Azizi-Yarand was arrested for plotting a terrorist attack on a local mall near Dallas. This plot is the 103rd Islamist terror plot in the U.S. since 9/11.