Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas took to the House floor to introduce a resolution to ban the Democrat party for their history of slavery. Gohmert gives a rarely taught and little known history of the Democrat party and their support of slavery, racial segregation, and Jim Crow laws.
The Chicago Police Department released a video on Monday showing a protest turn violent at Chicago’s Columbus Park Friday night. The video appears to show coordination, with agitators changing from plain clothes into all-black as the rest of the crowd hides them from view. The video also shows police being ambushed with sharpened PVC pipes and an officer’s eye being damaged after an incendiary device explodes on the ground beside him.
Protesters used black paint to deface a Black Lives Matter mural in front of Trump Tower in New York on July 18. They were later detained by police, according to reports.
Chinese Hong Kong scientist Dr. Li-Meng Yan believes the Chinese government knew about the novel coronavirus well before it claimed it did. She had to flee to America to avoid persecution from the Chinese Communist Government.
Don’t be so quick to throw out mail that looks like junk. A woman is warning others after finding her stimulus payment on a debit card in a plain envelope from ‘Money Network Cardholder Services.’
Prepaid debit cards will arrive in envelopes from ‘Money Network Cardholder Service’
Michael Moore’s documentary, ‘Planet of the Humans’ has exposed the “swindlers” who are peddling misinformation and the environmental benefits of green energy. “He exposes everything about green energy as simply a fraud peddled by a whole lot of swindlers who are making an absolute fortune out of it, and ultimately, it’s not even environmentally friendly.
Governor asks legislature to waive instructional time requirements while schools are closed until April 12th and possibly longer (starts at 4:28 time). Also addresses child care requirements and school meal program (starts at 1:28 time).