Android and iPhones are the primary targets of Hackers! Especially the iPhone!!! Find out why.
“Why you should use Signal as your texting app.”, says Elon Musk. I know that many people out there ask serious questions like, “why is Elon Musk pushing Signal?” The straightforward answer to that question is solely because of the privacy.
This is why Elon Musk uses Signal as his Messaging app.
“One tweet by Tesla’s CEO seems to be having an enormous impact on WhatsApp, with many users jumping to rival messaging app Signal.”, reports CNET
Thomas Sowell is an economist, a historian, a philosopher, and one of the greatest social theorists America has ever produced. His name is Thomas Sowell, and he might be the most important scholar you’ve never heard of. Jason Riley, Senior Fellow at the Manhattan Institute, tells his inspiring story in this short 5-minute video.
“Thanks to property rights and free markets, humanity has achieved prosperity and freedom that our ancestors hardly dreamed about. For most of history, kings and tyrants ruled. They took and kept slaves, confiscated property, and waged decades-long wars.”
The cost of producing electricity has dropped significantly in the last decade. So why haven’t we seen those price drops reflected in our electricity bills? Charles McConnell, former Assistant Secretary of Energy in the Obama Administration, answers this riddle.
Free speech and intellectual freedom are the civil rights issues of our time. Are you ready to defend them? That’s the question that former US Ambassador Nikki Haley poses in this challenging video. This video was made possible by a generous grant from Colorado Christian University (CCU).
You hear lots of dire predictions these days — the planet is burning, the seas are rising, and so on. But what is the real purpose of all this doom and gloom? Is it to protect the environment? Or is there a different motive? Rogan O’Handley, aka DC Draino, gets to the bottom of these questions in this important video.