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Omaha Man Arrested for Threats Against Iowa Senator Joni Ernst

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VIDEO: JFK – Democrat or Republican?

John F. Kennedy lowered taxes, opposed abortion, supported gun rights, and believed in a strong military. And he was a proud Democrat. But would he be one today? Author and talk show host Larry Elder explains.

Burlington Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

Democrats push leaders to talk less about Russia

Click here: Frustrated Democrats looking to reverse their election misfortunes have a resounding message for party leaders: Shut up about Russia. Rank-and-file Democrats say the Russia-Trump narrative is simply a non-issue with district voters, who are much more worried about bread-and-butter economic concerns like jobs, wages and the cost of education and healthcare.


Burlington Health Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

Shooter at Republican Baseball Practice a Bernie volunteer from Illinois. Wanted to ‘terminate the Republican Party’

Click here: The shooter James T. Hodgkinson of Belleville, Illinois was a Bernie Sanders campaign volunteer and belonged to a number of anti-Republican groups, including one called “Terminate the Republican Party.” Bernie Sanders issued a statement after the shooting saying, “I have just been informed that the alleged shooter at the Republican baseball practice is someone who apparently volunteered on my presidential campaign, I am sickened by this despicable act. Let me be as clear as I can be. Violence of any kind is unacceptable in our society and I condemn this action in the strongest possible terms; Real change can only come about through nonviolent action, and anything else runs against our most deeply held American values.”

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Hodgkinson letters: ‘I have never said life sucks, only the policies of the Republicans’

James Hodgkinson: High school jock, political gadfly, distraught father, accused sniper

Congressional shooter was told in March to stop shooting in woods

Belleville residents react to congressional shootout

Burlington Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

Fast and Furious hearing rips Obama, Holder, DOJ for deception in gun-running scandal

Click here: A congressional committee Wednesday blasted former President Barack Obama and his attorney general Eric Holder for allegedly covering up an investigation into the death of a Border Patrol agent killed as a result of a botched government gun-running project known as Operation Fast and Furious. Operation Fast and Furious, lost track of more than 1,400 of the 2,000 guns they allowed smugglers to buy. Two of those guns were found at the scene of Agent Terry’s killing.

Burlington Entertainment Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

FakeNews: CNN Caught Arranging Fake Muslim Protest in London

CNN caught airing a FAKE Muslim Protest. CNN International’s Becky Anderson helps arrange a group of Muslims ostensibly demonstrating against Islamic terrorism and Islamism. Here’s how CNN aired the report:

Here’s CNN staging the Muslim Protest narrative just before making the report. Is it any wonder why viewers call CNN Fake News!

Burlington Iowa Local News Political Security Technology West Burlington

VIDEO: Humanely Build the Wall

Can America solve its illegal immigration problem both justly and humanely? Yes, but it requires first building a border wall.

Every sensible immigration policy has two objectives: 1) to regain control of our borders so that we decide who enters; and 2) to find a humane way to deal with the 11 million illegal immigrants who now live among us.  Washington Post columnist and Pulitzer Prize-winning author Charles Krauthammer explains why.

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VIDEO: Media ignored Obama’s Russian Connection

Obama tells Russian President Medvedev he will have “more flexibility” after 2012 election.

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VIDEO: Why Did America Fight the Vietnam War?

Why did America fight the Vietnam War? The military suffered over 58,000 casualties, and America withdrew in defeat. What for? Historian Victor Davis Hanson explains.

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Obama’s Secret Outreach to Russia

Click here: Under President Obama, the U.S. has been working behind the scenes for months to forge a new working relationship with Russia, even enlisting Henry Kissinger.