Burlington Education Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

Venezuela Reminds Us That Socialism Frequently Leads to Dictatorship

Click here: Venezuela Reminds Us That Socialism Frequently Leads to Dictatorship

Burlington Health Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

Evidence Points to Obama Admin Spying on Trump during Election

President Barack Obama’s national security adviser Susan Rice ordered U.S. spy agencies to produce “detailed spreadsheets” of legal phone calls involving Donald Trump and his aides when he was running for president, according to former U.S. Attorney Joseph diGenova.
UPDATE: CNN Goes on Rampage Against Susan Rice Bombshell, Instructs Viewers to Ignore Story
UPDATE#2: Fresh evidence the Russia ‘scandal’ is a Team Obama operation
Burlington Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

VIDEO: Leftist Press have gone mad over Russia story & Fake news

Burlington Education Iowa Local News Political Religion Security West Burlington

VIDEO: Why Isn’t There a Palestinian State?

Why don’t the Palestinians have their own country? Is it the fault of Israel? Of the Palestinians? Of both parties? David Brog, Executive Director of the Maccabee Task Force, shares the surprising answers.

Burlington Iowa Local News Political Security Technology West Burlington

Key Democratic Officials say No Evidence of Trump/Russia Collusion

Click here: Key Democratic Officials Now Warning Base Not to Expect Evidence of Trump/Russia Collusion

Burlington Education Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

VIDEOS: David Horowitz, “Why I am No Longer a Leftist”

David Horowitz on Communism, Marxism, and the Black Panther Party (Pt. 1)


David Horowitz: Why I am No Longer a Leftist (Pt. 2)


David Horowitz on Abortion, Islam, and Donald Trump (Pt. 3)


Burlington Iowa Local News Political Security Technology West Burlington

VIDEO: NBC did more to meddle in 2016 election than Russia

Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

Admiral, seven others charged with corruption

Click here: An Admiral and seven others are accused of taking bribes, and prostitutes courtesy of Leonard Glenn “Fat Leonard” Francis, a Singapore-based defense contractor who has pleaded guilty to defrauding the Navy of tens of millions of dollars.
USS Blue Ridge
Burlington Iowa Local News Political Security Technology West Burlington

FBI Used Best Buy’s Geek Squad To Increase Secret Public Surveillance

Click here: FBI Used Best Buy’s Geek Squad To Increase Secret Public Surveillance
UPDATE: Records show deep ties between FBI and Best Buy computer technicians
Burlington Iowa Local News Security Technology West Burlington

Apple Mac security facts and fallacies

Click here: Fallacy #1- Macs don’t get viruses, Fallacy #2 – Macs are more secure than Windows, Fallacy #3 – Macs don’t need security software