Burlington Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

FBI undercover stings foil terrorist plots — but often plots of the agency’s own making

Click here: FBI undercover stings foil terrorist plots — but often plots of the agency’s own making

Burlington Iowa Local News Political Security Technology West Burlington

The Erosion of Liberty, Quote by Quote

Click here: Wonder what to make of all this wiretapping stuff? Here are some clues.
Burlington Iowa News Political Security Technology West Burlington

Why Trump suspects Obama bugged Trump Tower

Click here: Why Trump suspects Obama bugged Trump Tower
Donald J. Trump
Burlington Education Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

VIDEO: Is Gun Ownership a Right?

What does the Second Amendment say? Is gun ownership a right for all Americans? Or just for a small militia? Eugene Volokh, Professor of Law at UCLA, explains what the Founding Fathers intended.

Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

Bill & Hillary’s ‘Chinagate’ Haunts Again

Click here: Chinese-American Johnny Chung, an Illegal fundraiser for the Clintons and the DNC, made a secret tape because he feared he would be murdered over what he knew.  Chung was one of the main players in the ‘Chinagate’ scandal and was accused of giving over $300,000 to the Democratic National Committee on behalf of the head of China’s military intelligence agency during Bill Clinton’s reelection.

Bill and Hillary Clinton knew Chung well. He visited the White House 57 times in a two-year span including eight meetings that were ‘off the books.’ Chung personally handed a $50,000 check to Hillary Clinton’s chief of staff Maggie Williams and even helped arrange for Bill Clinton to meet with the generous donor – a top Chinese military official.

Hillary Clinton
Burlington Education Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

VIDEO: Why America Must Lead

The world is on fire. Syria has fallen apart. Russia has seized Ukrainian land. And China is flexing its muscles. Who can put these fires out? As Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Denmark’s former Prime Minister and NATO’s former Secretary General explains, only the United States.

Burlington Iowa Local News Political Religion Security West Burlington

Trump was right about Sweden after all

Click here: Riot breaks out in the Stockholm, Sweden suburb President Trump was ridiculed for referring to in speech about immigration dangers.
Donald J. Trump
Burlington Education Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

VIDEO: Who Was Paul Revere and Why Should You Care?

Do you know who Paul Revere was? He is one of America’s key historical figures. Want to know what he did? Eric Metaxas, New York Times #1 bestselling author, shares the remarkable story.

Burlington Education Iowa Local News Security West Burlington

VIDEO: USS Iowa Battleship

Burlington Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

VIDEO: Dana Loesch: “Elizabeth Warren is a Racist Hypocrite”

Dana Loesch says Racist Senator Elizabeth Warren got “mitch-slapped” and deserved it. Loesch commented on the hypocrisy of Warren [who once pretended to be Native American so that she could get a job at Harvard] who is now calling someone else a racist. “I think it’s hysterical that this woman, who is a cultural appropriator, who is a race appropriator, that she has the audacity to engage in some sort of race-based attack against someone simply because she doesn’t like their party affiliation and doesn’t wish to see them confirmed to be AG,” said Loesch. “And I’ll tell you this, the closest that her [Warren] ancestors  ever came to American Indians was rounding up my ancestors, so let’s get that straight right now if anyone wants to have a discussion on what is or is not racist.” Democrats need to stop making excuses for the original Rachel Dolezal.