Burlington Iowa Local News Political Religion Security West Burlington

Who is Huma Abedin? Hillary’s closest aide for over 20-years

Click here: NY POST – “Huma Abedin’s father co-founded the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, and after his death in 1993, her mother, whose writings subscribe to Sharia law, took over as editor-in-chief, a post she holds to this day. The journal has published articles in favor of female genital mutilation, the sexual subjugation of women and murder of apostates. Earlier this year, The NY Post reported that Abedin was listed as assistant editor on the masthead from 1996 to 2008.”
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Burlington Iowa Local News Opinion Political Security Technology West Burlington

Jarrett: An “avalanche of evidence” may now bury Hillary

Click here:  An “avalanche of evidence” may now bury Hillary
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Burlington Financial Health Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

Today’s News Headlines

Hillary Hid Qatar’s $1 million gift while Secretary of State
Hillary Sent Classified Information To Daughter Chelsea
Presidential Pollsters’ Political Contributions: 96% For Hillary Clinton
92 percent of MS-13 gang members arrested are in the United States illegally using President Obama’s loose immigration policies
Multiple Jobholders Hits Record High, Full-Time Jobs Tumble
ABC News staged crime-scene shot, photograph shows


Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political Security Technology West Burlington

Video: Hillary Clinton & ISIS funded by same money

‘Clinton & ISIS funded by same money’ emails show – Assange interview w/John Pilger (Courtesy Darthmouth Films)

Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political Security Technology West Burlington

Hillary’s Bad News gets Worse

Click here: FBI finds emails related to Hillary Clinton’s State Department tenure on Anthony Weiner’s computer.

Click here: Clinton White House Data Stolen from National Archives. Emails recovered from Clinton’s private server show massive data theft, possibly Social Security Numbers of every administration official.

Click here: Reporter Gets Caught AGAIN Sending A Story To a Hillary Clinton Staffer For Approval.

Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Burlington Iowa Local News Political Security Technology West Burlington

New BOMBSHELL FBI Investigations on Hillary Clinton

High ranking FBI sources say indictments likely.

Burlington Iowa Local News Political Religion Security West Burlington

13,210 Syrian Refugees in USA So Far in 2016; Up 675% from 2015; 99.1% Are Muslims

Click here: Obama administration has allowed 13,210 Syrian refugees into the United States since the beginning of 2016 – an increase of 675-percent over the same 10-month period in 2015. The refugees are 99.1-percent Muslims and only 0.5-percent Christians.


Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

Crime Family? Hillary’s Inner Circle subject to 5-separate FBI Cases

Click here: Influence peddling, acting for Putin’s ally, cash from China, hiding classified secrets and sexting – how FIVE separate FBI cases are probing virtually every one of Clinton’s inner circle and their families.
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Burlington Iowa Local News Security West Burlington

Two Iowa Police Officers Killed in Ambush

Click here: Two Des Moines Area police officers killed in ‘ambush’ attacks
Burlington Iowa Local News Political Security Technology West Burlington

VIDEO: Lifelong Democrat & Long Term Hillary Pollster, Doug Schoen, Withdraws His Support for Hillary