Burlington Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

CBO: Nearly 1 in 6 Young Men in U.S. Jobless or Incarcerated

CBO: Nearly 1 in 6 Young Men in U.S. Jobless or Incarcerated
Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Security West Burlington

‘This Is Not Good’: Is This the ‘Scariest Chart’ About the U.S. Economy?

Click here: A New York Times report about slumping productivity growth is called “the scariest chart” about the state of the American economy.

Productivity 2015

Burlington Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

There Have Been Over 100 Hate Crime Hoaxes In The Past Decade

Here’s the Top-100 Hate Crime Hoax list.
Burlington Education Iowa News Political Security West Burlington

Why Are There Still Palestinian Refugees?

It’s been seven decades since the 1948 Arab-Israeli war, and yet there are still an estimated 4 million Palestinian refugees…and zero Jewish refugees. With so many nearby Arab allies of the Palestinians, how did this happen? What does it say about Israel? What does it say about its Arab neighbors? Dumisani Washington, Diversity Outreach Coordinator for Christians United for Israel, explains.

Burlington Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

Chelsea Clinton: Hillary wants to take your Guns

Burlington Financial Iowa News Security West Burlington

Prank Caller Tricks Burger King Employees into Smashing Restaurant Windows

Click here: A prank caller tricked workers at a Burger King into smashing the windows of the restaurant to keep it from exploding, police said Saturday, mirroring similar prank calls at other fast-food restaurants across the country.


Burlington Education Health Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

Are 1 in 5 Women Raped at College?

Is it true that 1 in 5 women are raped on America’s college campuses? If so, what does that say about our universities and the people who run them? If not, how did that statistic get into the mainstream? Caroline Kitchens, Senior Research Associate at the American Enterprise Institute, looks at the data and explains the very significant results.

Burlington Education Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

Islamic Terror: What Muslim Americans Can Do

What must the United States do to prevent more Islamist terror attacks like recent ones in Brussels, Paris, and San Bernardino? Khurram Dara, a Muslim American activist, author and attorney, explains why it is Muslim Americans who must take the lead in identifying and combating Islamic extremists within their communities, before what’s happening in Europe comes to our shores.

Burlington Education Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

Supreme Court Confirms 2nd Amendment Applies to all Bearable Arms!

Click here: In a historic, unanimous opinion, the United States Supreme Court has confirmed that the Second Amendment applies “to all instruments that constitute bearable arms,”. This is an enormous class of nearly all weapons, the decision is properly applied to knives and clubs, and nearly all firearms that have been sold in the United States.


Burlington Education Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

FBI Instructs High Schools to Inform On “Anti-government” Students

Click here: FBI Instructs High Schools to Inform On “Anti-government” Students