Burlington Education Iowa News Political Technology West Burlington

Education Week, “The Case(s) Against Personalized Learning (aka IEPs)”

Click here: “Leading researchers say their work does not support the most enthusiastic claims being made by personalized-learning supporters. Education experts are raising questions about implications for teaching and learning. Tech-industry critics are sounding alarms about Silicon Valley’s growing influence over public schools. And a small but vocal coalition of parents and activists from across the political spectrum deride the term “personalized learning” as an Orwellian misnomer for replacing teachers with digital devices and data-mining software.”


Burlington Iowa Local News Political Technology West Burlington

VIDEO: What Happens When Google Disagrees With You?

Is Google open to a diverse array of viewpoints? Or is it an ideological echo chamber? Just ask former Google software engineer James Damore. He was fired for disagreeing with Google’s (left-wing) orthodoxy.

Burlington Health Iowa Local News Technology West Burlington

Facebook “Exploiting” Human Psychology, says Founding President

Click here: The founding president of Facebook gives a candid insider’s look at how social networks purposely hook and potentially hurt our brains.
Burlington Iowa Local News Political Security Technology West Burlington

FBI confirms former FBI Director Comey drafted letter on Hillary Clinton email investigation before completing interviews

Click here: The documents proving former FBI Director James Comey  began drafting a letter regarding Hillary Clinton’s email investigation months before conducting several key interviews were first brought to light by Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, after they reviewed transcripts of interviews with top Comey aides who alluded to the email’s existence.

Burlington Iowa Local News Security Technology West Burlington

Major WiFi security flaw puts millions of devices at risk

Click here: Every Wi-Fi network at risk of unprecedented ‘Krack’ hacking attack


Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Technology West Burlington

End of the road? Will automation put an end to the American Trucker?

Click here: From Walcott, Iowa – Will automation put an end to the American Trucker?
Burlington Iowa Local News Political Security Technology West Burlington

If the FBI Has Your Biometrics, It Doesn’t Have to Tell You

Click here: “The FBI’s Next Generation Identification system stores the biometric records  (fingerprints, iris scans and other biometric information) of people who have undergone background checks for jobs, volunteer positions and military service, as well as of those who have criminal records. Effective Aug. 31, that database will be exempt from certain parts of the Privacy Act, a law that allows people whose records are held by the federal government to request more information about which records those are.”

Burlington Entertainment Iowa Local News Technology West Burlington

Are you ready for a 1,000-horsepower Toyota Prius?

Click here: Imagine a 1,000-horsepower Toyota Prius
Burlington Entertainment Iowa Local News Technology West Burlington

Old School Ford GT40 beats a 707-HP Dodge Charger Hellcat


Burlington Education Financial Iowa Local News Political Technology West Burlington

VIDEO: Why You Love Capitalism

Do you use an iPhone? Watch Netflix? Listen to Spotify? Then you love capitalism and can’t stand big government. How do we know? Jared Meyer of the Foundation for Government Accountability explains.