Burlington Iowa Local News Political Security Technology West Burlington

Democrats’ real strategy in launching recounts

Hillary’s demand for Wisconsin, Michigan, & Pennsylvania recounts – may in the end – all be in vain.
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Burlington Iowa Local News Political Security Technology West Burlington

Voting Machine Hack Vulnerability Revealed

Click here: A hacker armed with a $25 PCMCIA card can, within a few minutes, change the vote totals on an aging electronic voting machine that is now in limited use in 13 U.S. states, a cybersecurity vendor has demonstrated. The dated e-machines are used in presidential swing states of Florida, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Colorado, Nevada, and Wisconsin.

Burlington Iowa Local News Opinion Political Security Technology West Burlington

Jarrett: An “avalanche of evidence” may now bury Hillary

Click here:  An “avalanche of evidence” may now bury Hillary
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political Security Technology West Burlington

Video: Hillary Clinton & ISIS funded by same money

‘Clinton & ISIS funded by same money’ emails show – Assange interview w/John Pilger (Courtesy Darthmouth Films)

Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political Security Technology West Burlington

Hillary’s Bad News gets Worse

Click here: FBI finds emails related to Hillary Clinton’s State Department tenure on Anthony Weiner’s computer.

Click here: Clinton White House Data Stolen from National Archives. Emails recovered from Clinton’s private server show massive data theft, possibly Social Security Numbers of every administration official.

Click here: Reporter Gets Caught AGAIN Sending A Story To a Hillary Clinton Staffer For Approval.

Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Burlington Iowa Local News Political Security Technology West Burlington

New BOMBSHELL FBI Investigations on Hillary Clinton

High ranking FBI sources say indictments likely.

Burlington Iowa Local News Political Security Technology West Burlington

VIDEO: Lifelong Democrat & Long Term Hillary Pollster, Doug Schoen, Withdraws His Support for Hillary

Burlington Iowa Local News Political Security Technology West Burlington

Hillary’s nightmare: Feds get a warrant to start search for classified info in 650,000 emails – thousands of them from her private server.

Click here: Hillary’s nightmare – Feds get a warrant to start search for classified info in 650,000 emails – thousands of them from her private server.
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Burlington Iowa Local News Political Security Technology West Burlington

Yes, It really was this EASY for Hackers to Breach Podesta’s Gmail Account

Click here: Hillary Clinton’s campaign staff guilty of getting duped by hackers. Failure calls in to question just how able Hillary and her staff will protect our national security.
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Burlington Iowa Local News Political Security Technology West Burlington

NY Times – Hillary’s Top Aides in a Panic over email server, ‘We Need to Clean This Up’

Click here: “We need to clean this up — he [President Obama] has emails from her — they do not say,” Cheryl D. Mills, a top aide, emailed to John D. Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Chairman, on March 7, 2015.
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton