Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political Security Technology West Burlington

Concern Grows Over George Soros-Linked Voting Machines

Click here: Sixteen states use voting machines provided by company tied to leftist billionaire, George Soros, who is donating millions to Hillary Clinton’s campaign.
George Soros - Billionaire backer of Democratic Party
George Soros – Billionaire backer of Hillary Clinton & Democratic Party
Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political Security Technology West Burlington

More Bad News for Hillary

Huge Pay Gap For Men, Women at Clinton Foundation
Hillary Clinton embraces George Soros’ ‘radical’ vision of open-border world
Donna Brazile Shreds Obama Economy – Acting DNC chair says ‘people are more in despair about how things are’
Hillary’s Deleted Emails: Yoga Routines and Classified Diplomatic Talks – Clinton emails recovered by the FBI include sensitive government information
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Burlington Education Financial Iowa Local News Opinion Political Technology West Burlington

Can You Trust The Press?

VIDEO: Is the press trustworthy? Can we believe what reporters and journalists tell us? Judith Miller, Pulitzer Prize-winning former reporter for the New York Times, explains why Americans’ trust in the news media has fallen, and why that matters.

Burlington Education Iowa Local News Political Technology West Burlington

Where Your Electricity Comes From

Where does your electricity come from? Whether it’s charging your phone or keeping your refrigerator running, the energy sources that power modern life have allowed electricity in the U.S. to remain inexpensive. But these very energy sources are under attack. What are these energy sources? And why are they under political siege?

Burlington Iowa Local News Technology West Burlington

Drone with claw arms can lift 44 pounds

Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political Security Technology West Burlington

IRS doesn’t tell 1 million taxpayers that illegals stole their Social Security numbers

Click here: The IRS knows of more than 1 million Americans whose Social Security numbers were stolen by illegal immigrants, but officials never bothered to tell those affected.
Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political Technology West Burlington

Media Orgs Donate to Clinton Foundation Then Downplay Clinton Foundation Scandal

Click here: Google, CNN, PBS and The New York Times have all donated to the Clinton Foundation. To see how it has affected their coverage, Google ‘Clinton AP story’ and see what happens.
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Burlington Iowa Local News Political Security Technology West Burlington

George Soros Calls For Regulating Internet To Favor His ‘Open Society’ Supporters

Click here: Hacked Soros’ documents call for regulating the internet for “what information is taken off the Internet and what may remain” [should favor] “those most supportive of open society.” George Soros has paid Hillary’s  campaign $7-million and gave $6-million to the Democratic National Committee to date.”
Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political Security Technology West Burlington

Megalomaniac George Soros Works to Change America and the World

Megalomaniac George Soros gives millions to Hillary Clinton’s campaign

Click here: George Soros’ Open Society Seeks to Reshape Census, Electoral Districts

Click here: George Soros’s campaign of global chaos

Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Burlington Iowa Local News Political Security Technology West Burlington

Colin Powell: Hillary’s ‘People Have Been Trying to Pin’ Email Scandal on Him

Click here: Former Secretary of State Colin Powell Says Hillary Clinton’s ‘People Have Been Trying to Pin’ Email Scandal on Him