Photo by Dan Hockett West Burlington Centerfielder Daniel Crooks puts another Lone Tree batter in the dugout Tuesday night in West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Lone Tree, 12-4.Photo by Dan Hockett West Burlington’s Jayden Zurita smiles after making it home in the fourth inning against Lone Tree Tuesday night in West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Lone Tree, 12-4.Photo by Dan Hockett West Burlington’s Colton Hohenthaner (with gloves) is congratulated after hitting a homerun against Lone Tree Tuesday night in West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Lone Tree, 12-4.Photo by Dan Hockett West Burlington’s Dreyton LaVeine (11) is congratulated by teammates after hitting a homerun against Lone Tree Tuesday night in West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Lone Tree, 12-4.Photo by Dan Hockett West Burlington’s Drake Day (3) is congratulated after hitting a homerun against Lone Tree Tuesday night in West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Lone Tree, 12-4.
Photo by Dan Hockett West Burlington Shortstop Jayden Zurita (left) tags Notre Dame’s Mitchell Brent trying to steal second Tuesday at West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Notre Dame, 4-2.Photo by Dan Hockett West Burlington Shortstop Jayden Zurita (left) tags Notre Dame’s Adam Johs trying to steal second Tuesday at West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Notre Dame, 4-2.Photo by Dan Hockett West Burlington Shortstop Jayden Zurita (left) catches Notre Dame’s Jay Orth (5) trying to steal second Tuesday at West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Notre Dame, 4-2.Photo by Dan Hockett Notre Dame Third Baseman Adam Johs (2) tags West Burlington’s Jacob Fritz for the out Tuesday at West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Notre Dame, 4-2.Photo by Dan Hockett West Burlington Pitcher Tate Snodgrass is ready to send one to the plate against Notre Dame Tuesday at West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Notre Dame, 4-2.Photo by Dan Hockett Notre Dame Pitcher Nicholas Skerik throws to plate Tuesday at West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Notre Dame, 4-2.Photo by Dan Hockett Notre Dame Right Fielder Easton Williams tries to catch a fly ball Tuesday at West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Notre Dame, 4-2.Photo by Dan Hockett Notre Dame’s Drew Chiprez (1) beats the throw to West Burlington First Baseman Brice Mennen Tuesday at West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Notre Dame, 4-2.Photo by Dan Hockett West Burlington’s Jayden Breuer (4) hits the dirt as Notre Dame Pitcher Nicholas Skerik (12) throws to First Baseman Brady Oleson in an attempt to catch Breuer off base Tuesday at West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Notre Dame, 4-2.Photo by Dan Hockett Notre Dame’s Jay Orth (5) beats the throw to West Burlington First Baseman Brice Mennen Tuesday at West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Notre Dame, 4-2.Photo by Dan Hockett Notre Dame Pitcher Nicholas Skerik throws to plate Tuesday at West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Notre Dame, 4-2.Photo by Dan Hockett Notre Dame First Baseman Brady Oleson secures the out on West Burlington Tuesday at West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Notre Dame, 4-2.Photo by Dan Hockett West Burlington Leftfielder Colton Hohenthaner catches a fly ball Tuesday at West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Notre Dame, 4-2.
Photo by Dan Hockett Wapello’s Bryce Burmeister (17) hits a pitch from West Burlington Pitcher Colton Hohenthaner Saturday afternoon in West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Wapello, 10-9.Photo by Dan Hockett Wapello’s Brenton Ross (18) dodges a pitch from West Burlington Pitcher Colton Hohenthaner Saturday afternoon in West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Wapello, 10-9.Photo by Dan Hockett West Burlington’s Masin Shullaw (23) hits a Wapello pitch Saturday afternoon in West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Wapello, 10-9.Photo by Dan Hockett West Burlington’s Dreyton LaVeine (11) hits a ball from Wapello Pitcher Trace Howard (8) Saturday afternoon in West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Wapello, 10-9.Photo by Dan Hockett West Burlington’s Jacob Fritz (22) hits a ball from Wapello Pitcher Trace Howard (8) Saturday afternoon in West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Wapello, 10-9.Photo by Dan Hockett West Burlington’s Jayden Breuer (4) hits a ball from Wapello Pitcher Trace Howard (8) Saturday afternoon in West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Wapello, 10-9.Photo by Dan Hockett Wapello Shortstop Sam Short (right) gets the ball in time to tag out West Burlington’s Daniel Crooks (1) Saturday afternoon in West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Wapello, 10-9.
Photo by Dan Hockett West Burlington First Baseman Brice Mennen snags a low throw for an out against Wapello Saturday afternoon in West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Wapello, 10-9.Photo by Dan Hockett West Burlington Leftfielder Colton Hohenthaner (21) catches a Wapello fly ball Saturday afternoon in West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Wapello, 10-9.Photo by Dan Hockett Wapello Right Fielder Dawson Hoag (10) catches a West Burlington fly ball Saturday afternoon in West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Wapello, 10-9.Photo by Dan Hockett Wapello Second Baseman Brentin Pallister catches a West Burlington fly ball Saturday afternoon in West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Wapello, 10-9.Photo by Dan Hockett Wapello Centerfielder Trace Howard (8) catches a West Burlington fly ball Saturday afternoon in West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Wapello, 10-9.Photo by Dan Hockett Wapello First Baseman Jared Wiley tries to catch a foul ball against West Burlington Saturday afternoon in West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Wapello, 10-9.Photo by Dan Hockett West Burlington Pitcher Colton Hohenthaner (21) sends one to the plate against Wapello Saturday afternoon in West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Wapello, 10-9.Photo by Dan Hockett West Burlington Pitcher Jayden Zurita (2) has a chat with Catcher Dreyton LaVeine Saturday afternoon in West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Wapello, 10-9.Photo by Dan Hockett Wapello Shortstop Sam Short catches an infield fly Saturday afternoon in West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Wapello, 10-9.
Photo by Dan Hockett Wapello Leftfielder Aiden Housman catches a West Burlington fly ball Saturday afternoon in West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Wapello, 10-9.Photo by Dan Hockett West Burlington Right Fielder Jayden Breuer catches a fly ball Saturday afternoon in West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Wapello, 10-9.Photo by Dan Hockett West Burlington Pitcher Jayden Zurita (left) watches as Catcher Dreyton LaVeine looks to make the tag on Wapello’s Mitchell Moore (1) at the plate Saturday afternoon in West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Wapello, 10-9.Photo by Dan Hockett Wapello Pitcher Joseph Stewart (7) sends one to the plate against West Burlington Saturday afternoon in West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Wapello, 10-9.Photo by Dan Hockett Conference on the mound. West Burlington Pitcher Jayden Zurita and Catcher Dreyton LaVeine talk it over Saturday afternoon in West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Wapello, 10-9.Photo by Dan Hockett West Burlington Centerfielder Daniel Crooks catches a Wapello fly ball Saturday afternoon in West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Wapello, 10-9.Photo by Dan Hockett West Burlington’s Colton Hohenthaner (21) hits a ball from Wapello Pitcher Aiden Housmen (20) Saturday afternoon in West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Wapello, 10-9.Photo by Dan Hockett West Burlington’s Austin Mixer (52) hits a ball from Wapello Pitcher Logan Belzer (2) Saturday afternoon in West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Wapello, 10-9.
Photo by Dan Hockett L&M’s Karson Cantrell (15) makes contact on a Jacob Fritz pitch Saturday afternoon in West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Louisa Muscatine in the championship game, 16-10.Photo by Dan Hockett L&M’s Brandon Burmiester (17) makes contact on a Jacob Fritz pitch Saturday afternoon in West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Louisa Muscatine in the championship game, 16-10.Photo by Dan Hockett WB’s Jayden Zurita looks over a Zach Bieri pitch Saturday afternoon in West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Louisa Muscatine in the championship game, 16-10.Photo by Dan Hockett WB’s Masin Shullaw (23) hits a Zach Bieri pitch Saturday afternoon in West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Louisa Muscatine in the championship game, 16-10.Photo by Dan Hockett WB’s Jacob Fritz (22) hits a grounder against L&M Saturday afternoon in West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Louisa Muscatine in the championship game, 16-10.Photo by Dan Hockett WB’s Dreyton LaVeine (11) hits a Zach Bieri pitch Saturday afternoon in West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Louisa Muscatine in the championship game, 16-10.Photo by Dan Hockett WB’s Colton Hohenthaner (21) hits a Zach Bieri pitch Saturday afternoon in West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Louisa Muscatine in the championship game, 16-10.
Photo by Dan Hockett WB’s Brice Mennen (27) hits a Zach Bieri pitch Saturday afternoon in West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Louisa Muscatine in the championship game, 16-10.Photo by Dan Hockett L&M Centerfielder CJ Sturms makes a diving catch on a fly ball against West Burlington Saturday afternoon in West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Louisa Muscatine in the championship game, 16-10.Photo by Dan Hockett West Burlington’s Colton Hohenthaner slides safe at second in front of L&M Shortstop Austin Leopard Saturday afternoon in West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Louisa Muscatine in the championship game, 16-10.Photo by Dan Hockett West Burlington First Baseman Brice Mennen (27) makes the out against L&M Saturday afternoon in West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Louisa Muscatine in the championship game, 16-10.Photo by Dan Hockett West Burlington Shortstop Jayden Zurita grabs a line drive against L&M Saturday afternoon in West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Louisa Muscatine in the championship game, 16-10.Photo by Dan Hockett L&M Shortstop Austin Leopard tags WB’s Daniel Crooks out at second Saturday afternoon in West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Louisa Muscatine in the championship game, 16-10.Photo by Dan Hockett West Burlington Catcher Jayden Zurita tags L&M’s Keaton Velez (5) out at the plate Saturday afternoon in West Burlington. West Burlington defeated Louisa Muscatine in the championship game, 16-10.
Photo by Dan Hockett West Burlington First Baseman Tate Snograss secures the out against Pekin Thursday night in West Burlington. Pekin defeated West Burlington, 11-0.Photo by Dan Hockett West Burlington Centerfielder Daniel Crooks catches a Pekin fly ball Thursday night in West Burlington. Pekin defeated West Burlington, 11-0.Photo by Dan Hockett West Burlington Right Fielder Jayden Breuer (4) catches a Pekin fly ball Thursday night in West Burlington. Pekin defeated West Burlington, 11-0.Photo by Dan Hockett West Burlington Pitcher Drake Day sends one to the plate against Pekin Thursday night in West Burlington. Pekin defeated West Burlington, 11-0.Photo by Dan Hockett West Burlington Second Baseman Masin Shullaw secures the throw as Pekin’s Conner Reed races to second base Thursday night in West Burlington. Pekin defeated West Burlington, 11-0.Photo by Dan Hockett West Burlington Second Baseman Masin Shullaw tags Pekin’s Conner Reed (14) as he slides to second base Thursday night in West Burlington. Reed was called safe. Pekin defeated West Burlington, 11-0.Photo by Dan Hockett West Burlington Pitcher Jayden Zurita sends one to the plate against Pekin Thursday night in West Burlington. Pekin defeated West Burlington, 11-0.