Of course the CNN/ORC pole shows Obama voters blame Republicians for the fiscal cliff and every thing else caused by Obama because he’s told them so and they all believe the Messiah when it comes to Obama regardless of his constantly lying.
Obama gets away with this because the American press no longer reports what happens truthfully and always skews it away from Obama by not telling the public the truth about his socialist agenda and the type of people who would vote for such a person actually believe Obama and the socialist press he’s dependent on to cover his lies.
When you look at who voted for Obama it explains plenty of about how educated they are and what they know about earning a living and being productive. Even a monkey would be loyal to someone who would feed it, clothe it, school it, shelter it and basically care for it from cradle to grave all with someone elses money leaving them to just take up space their entire lives.
I believe the poll because the people that were canvased for it were completely duped by Obama for the second time. The same thing happened in Germany back in the 30’s and 40’s although Hitler forced the German press to toe the line while in America the press has led the charge to socialism by their lies to protect those duped from finding out the truth about Obama.
This might change the Vista/Lance/Snyder-Hanover sale.
Here’s a list of those in congress who are all for the UN Agenda 21 and wouldn’t you know it would be three of the biggest shysters in congress. Names from article about Agenda 21 given are taken from Wikipedia article on Agenda 21. Those who have spoken in Congress in support of Agenda 21 include Representative Nancy Pelosi, Senator John Kerry, and Senator Harry Reid. All filthy rich and big buddies of Obama and about as left wing as can be with the exception of Harkin and Obama. Anyone who would trust this group of fools after what they’ve done to the America congress are fools themselves.
Americans should watch out because these are the same people that have put our economy in the fiscal mess we now find ourselves. Americans are being duped by the people elected to represent us a job they have failed to do for over four years.
Americans had better wake up and keep an eye on the Humane Society of the United States HSUS and others, that are big advocates of the U.N. Agenda 21. The HSUS was behind the unconstitutional law destroying the billion dollar a year gamecock harvest industry in Oklahoma’s rural counties. This UN Agenda 21 plan to put animals, fish and fowl above the human lives and destroy the rural people of America must be stopped, corrected and protections against UN Agenda 21 put in place immediately to protect unsuspecting American public.
Below is a site that gives further information on what the HSUS is doing behind the back of the American public.
I see where Burlington & Des Moines County of people living below the poverty level is hanging around 14% meaning approximately 6000 people around our county are basically wards of the taxpayers, by the way that’s 2% above the state average.
I would assume the largest percentage of them are living in Burlington a city on the verge of bankruptcy if not total economic failure because of a one party political system incapable of making positive decisions. Our city management tends to think Burlington can earn subsistence through the taxes placed on tourism brought in by the Rec Plex which will never happen no matter how much they spend on that taxpayer owned operation. I wonder if the Hotel/Motel employees earn what the people at the city run RecPlex earn?
Des Moines County and Burlington need good industrial jobs something the county and city are incapable of producing unless the taxpayers subsidize the hell out of them. On top of no jobs we have hundreds of entitlement people from out of state moving in to the county as does most of Eastern Iowa with no marketable skills other than living off taxpayers. Of course the union influence doesn’t help either and more or less hinders getting good jobs into this area of Iowa. Throw in the left wing Hawk Eye and its left leaning editorial page and we are basically dead in the water at obtaining livable wage jobs.
A city having no jobs with an influx of the entitlement crowd can only mean further failure for a city like Burlington, a city with high crime, high entitlement population, questionable school system, rampart use of drugs, few livable wage jobs, high taxes and fees that go along with high state taxes and fees. There is nothing but outrageous stealing from the taxpayers to support a top heavy and incapable management of state, city and county governments. All government employees in Iowa are grossly overpaid and benefitted by the taxpayers while much of the private sector is forced to get entitlements in order to subsist after paying the high taxes and fees to support the government “Privileged Class”.
We have far too much crime in this city and county. Burlington ranks third highest in the state for crime out of some 900 plus cities and towns in Iowa. Keokuk ranks first in crime with Davenport second making the eastern part of Iowa the crime capital of Iowa. Of course Easter Iowa is the democratic stronghold of Iowa which accounts for most of the mess this part of Iowa is saddled with. Also, with the number of shootings experienced this year in Burlington our city will probably move up in the rankings for crime rather than down.
If it weren’t for Randy Winegard this town would probably eventually dry up and disappear in the hot summer breezes. I often wonder what Burlington would do if it weren’t for the Winegard Corporation. Of course there are several other firms supporting Burlington like Case, GE and the IAAP along with several others that pay livable wages over $10.50 per hour but there are far too many Burlington jobs that pay less than a livable wage forcing their employees seek entitlements to make ends meet.
Another extremely bad situation is after the first of the year we’ll be back in another bad recession because of Obamacare and Obama policies all lined up like dominoes to further destroy our industrial base along with the medical system. We’ll have thousands of new regulations written by the Obama administration that will further saddle small business with regulations costing something like ten to twelve thousand dollars per employee which in turn will increase more job losses.
With this president the future looks dismal at best if one can call it that good. Then we have a city management and a newspaper that on their own are destroying future growth for livable wage jobs here in Burlington through their editorial page and support for government and even private unions both of which tend to force good wage jobs elsewhere rather than Burlington.
UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development is implemented worldwide to inventory and control all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all information, and all human beings in the world. INVENTORY AND CONTROL.
Glen Beck describes Agenda 21:
Click Link: Rubio Hits Fundraising Records in Iowa