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Category: Burlington
Well, last year Planned Parenthood committed murder on 334,000 unborn babies. In the last three years Planned Parenthood has murdered 995,000 babies. On top of the murders the taxpayers are out $542 million dollars that the government saw fit to give Planned Parenthood in cash or through tax breaks.
I wonder how many babies are murdered right here in Burlington at Planned Parenthood over on North Sixth Street in the middle of a residential area and very close to North Hill School. Where those that aren’t murdered can be seen enjoying their recess time out of doors on a daily basis. This type of operation just doesn’t seem civil, a situation where some are allowed to enter the world while others, through no fault of their own are lucky to draw one breath before their killed because no one wants them or the parents just can’t manage to get the free birth control that’s available to their living children in most cases.
It must take a real sick person to kill unborn babies for a living as though the person were just working in a meat market and then go home acting as though their just an everyday person who murders babies for his or her paycheck. People like this will get their just reward after their gone and are then held responsible, I bet they can’t wait and I wonder if they even think about it.
Watch the video Obama Must See English Version on the left or click on the web page below. Be sure to watch to the end where you can actually see what happens to a baby who looks like he or she was very close to natural birth when murdered.
Click Here: The Top 10 Jobs Most Likely to Attract Psychopaths (Should We Be Worried?)
Here’s the list of jobs with the highest rates of psychopathy:
1. CEO 2. Lawyer 3. Media 4. Salesperson 5. Surgeon 6. Journalist 7. Police Officer 8. Clergy person 9. Chef 10. Civil Servant
And jobs with the lowest rates of psychopathy:
1. Care Aide 2. Nurse 3.Therapist 4.Craftsperson 5.Beautician/Stylist 6.Charity Worker 7.Teacher 8.Creative Artist 9.Doctor 10.Accountant
Earnest “Earnie” L. Moore, 94, Burlington died Sunday, January 6, 2013
Mrs. Ellen Krasuski, 81, West Burlington died Sunday, January 6, 2013
Simeon James Hartman McNeal, stillborn infant, died Sunday, January 6, 2013
Dean Ray Ferris, 81, Fort Madison, died Monday, January 7, 2013
Jim “Krickett” Stigers, 42, Gulfport, IL, died Saturday, January 5, 2013