Burlington Danville Iowa Obituaries West Burlington


Joyce Bonnie Dickinson, 79, Burlington died Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Burlington Iowa News Political West Burlington

Chicago’s Draconian Gun Laws get 1.5 People Killed Every Day

Click Here: Chicago is an extremely violent city because criminals possess the largest portion of guns there. And in 2012 alone, 1.5 people died each day after being shot by bad people with guns. One and a half people a day die in Chicago where Obama’s gun control solutions are already in place.


Burlington Iowa News West Burlington

Death Threats in Burlington & Des Moines

“Cantankerous liberal columnist Donald Kaul retired earlier this year. But the  Newtown school shooting brought out all his ugliness. He proposed a new liberal  agenda: repeal the Second Amendment, declare the NRA a terrorist organization  and make membership illegal, and well, make violent threats to Republican  leaders and NRA members. The Des  Moines Register and The HawkEye published this junk.”

Click Here: Death Threats in Des Moines & Burlington: Retired Columnist Wants to Kill NRA Members, Drag  GOP Leaders Behind Trucks

Burlington Iowa News West Burlington

Facebook bans Gandhi quote

Click Here: Facebook bans Gandhi quote as part of revisionist history purge


Burlington Iowa Obituaries West Burlington


Floyd Teske, 106, Burlington died Monday, December 31, 2012

Richard “Dick” Bock, 83, Burlington, died Monday, December 31, 2012

Ruth Winifred Bliss, 90, Burlington, died Saturday, December 29, 2012

Delores “Dee” Jean Ruble, 61, Middletown, died Monday, December 31, 2012

Burlington Iowa Letters to Falcon West Burlington

Democrats, Crime & Guns

Falcon :

I see where the democrats in Iowa want to confiscate the big guns and the semi-automatic guns that haven’t really been used in Iowa as they have in other states but here in Burlington it would be nice to get the illegal hand guns out from the hands of Burlington’s newest citizens, the drug dealers and thugs from out of state that have ruined our once quiet streets with the sound of gunfire on a weekly basis.

Why don’t the democrats come on down to Burlington or anywhere in eastern Iowa where crime is out of control and quell the constant violent crime epidemic?  The top cities in Iowa for crime are in order Keokuk, Davenport and then Burlington.  What is the state or the loud mouth democrats doing to stop the current shootings in these three cities?

I know the democrats always talk a good government but have never produced one that I know of.  All this political correct crap from the liberal democrats has cost Iowa dearly in safety and quality of life in eastern and central Iowa.

Believe me it’s not native Iowans doing all the shooting in Burlington or other eastern Iowa cities.  One can tell by the names in the local paper what group they are from provided they ever get caught which does happen on occasion.  Usually they run back to Chicago until things cool down and then just go on with their criminal lives back in Illinois.  The analysis, supported by FBI records, finds that in 2005 alone, for example, African Americans accounted for 49% of all homicide victims in the US — again, almost exclusively at the hands of other African Americans.

So, eastern Iowa would sure appreciate the democrats coming over here and putting a stop to the almost daily shootings that occur on the streets instead of worrying about something that hasn’t been a problem in Iowa.  By the way Chicago has some of the toughest gun laws around and it hasn’t stopped the murders there at all in fact they’ve increased considerably.

One can read about what’s going on across America by reading this article:  ‘Race Wars’ Part 1: The Shocking Data on Black-on-Black Crime | Video |

Iowa Democrat State Rep. Dan Muhlbauer should come on down and lead the charge against the shootouts here in Burlington if he’s so concerned about big guns.  Here in Burlington they may not be big guns but they do plenty of damage on a regular basis.


Burlington Iowa Obituaries West Burlington


Ava Allison Darnell, 90, Burlington, died Saturday, December 29, 2012

Daniel “Rags” Martin Nelson, 78, Burlington, died Saturday, December 29, 2012

C. Keith Price, 90, Burlington, died, Saturday, December 29, 2012

Burlington Iowa News West Burlington

Gallup: NRA more popular than Media

Click Here: Fifty-four percent of Americans have a favorable opinion of the National Rifle Association.  Only 30% have a favorable opinion of the media and even worse, the media is distrusted by 60 percent of the population.


Burlington Danville Fort Madison Iowa Mediapolis News Political West Burlington

Iowa House Democrat: ‘Iowa should Ban, Confiscate Guns’

Iowa Democrat State Rep. Dan Muhlbauer says, “We cannot have big guns out here as far as the big guns that are out here, the semi-automatics and all of them, those are not hunting weapons. We should ban those in Iowa. Even if you have them, I think we need to start taking them, because if they’re out there, they’re just going to get circulated around to the wrong people. Those guns should not be in the public’s hands. There are just too many guns. If we find them on the street, there’s going to have to be some sort of penalty for them”

Click Here: State Rep. Dan Muhlbauer, D-Manilla, says Iowa lawmakers should ban semi-automatic guns and “start taking them” from owners who refuse to surrender any illegal firearms through a buy-back program.

Burlington Iowa Letters to Falcon West Burlington

Obama Care & Free Exercise of Religion


Well, one of the left wing Obama judges on the Supreme Court has ruled against Hobby Lobby even though the first line of the Bill of Rights Says, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” Obamacare prohibits the free exercise of religion by the owners of Hobby Lobby when it comes to their religion and the killing of babies through abortion.  I guess it’s too bad their not Muslim or the case may have come out much different.  The liberals in the court have allowed the mass murder of many more babies under the guise of government than has the Muslim world

Anyway, it was pointed out in a previous case that Sotomayor ruled in favor of a Muslim inmate who was denied Ramadan meals. She held that the meal was subjectively important to the inmate’s practice of Islam.  This only goes to show how liberalism bends the constitution and/or Bill of Rights to suit their own warped view of the documents and of course the liberal agenda.  So with Sotomayor what’s good for the Muslim religion is not good enough for the Christian religion.  The majority of Americans are not even represented in the Supreme Court while the religion of a major terrorist group is.