Burlington Iowa News Political West Burlington

Homeland Security Refuses to Answer Congress on Bullet Purchase

Click Here: Department of Homeland Security purchased over 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition over the past year – enough to wage a 20 year plus war.

Luke Rudkowski interviewed Congressman Timothy Huelscamp on his decision to vote against the NDAA which was due to the unconstitutionality of the indefinite detention provision. They also discussed Obama’s Disposition Matrix and the large ammunition purchases made by the DHS.

Burlington Iowa News Political West Burlington

State Issues from Tom Sands

News from the Hill…

This week there has been much more floor action with the passage of several bills.  Also three different budget bills were debated on the House floor.  Approximately half of the budget bills start in the house and half of them start in the Senate.  Three of the budget bills starting in the Iowa House are Education Appropriations, Administration & Regulation and Transportation.  The total appropriations of these three budgets for fiscal year 2014 are as follows, Education $894,926,944, Administration and Regulation $55,120,931 and Transportation $352,840,655.  There will be more money appropriated for Education in the Standings Bill later in session.  The monies appropriated in the Transportation Budget are non-Highway dollars; it is the DOT Commissioners that make the decisions for the monies for new roads, pavement replacement, bridge replacement, etc. and contained in the 5-year plan.  The 5-year plan is not included in this budget.

Second Amendment Rights…

House File 535 is a bill that has the support of the NRA, Iowa Firearms coalition and the law enforcement community in Iowa.  It protects all Iowans by keeping personally identifiable information confidential for those Iowans who choose to obtain a permit to acquire or carry a firearm.  The bill also gives law enforcement another tool to go after criminals who try to purchase a firearm fraudulently and makes the act a class D felony.

 Ways and Means Bills on the Floor…

Two of the bills that passed out of Ways and Means Committee were passed on the House floor this week.  One bill, HF 598, more clearly defines that any all-terrain vehicles that is primarily used for agriculture is exempt from Iowa Sales and Use Tax. This is a good bill for the industry, a good bill for the dealers and a good bill for the Department of Revenue.  The second bill,      HF 599, came from the Agriculture Committee, then went to Ways and Means Committee and was passed on the House floor this week.  This bill raised the cap for the beginning farmer tax credit.  It is extremely difficult for beginning farmers to get started today without the help of a family member.  On the other end of the spectrum, there are older farmers looking to slow down who do not have any family member interested in farming.  This bill helps to link the beginning farmer and the older established farmer together so both can benefit from the tax credit.  This is an expansion of the credit that was started in my 1st or 2nd term.  It has worked well and this makes a great improvement to help more beginning farmers.

Property Tax Bill…

This week in Ways and Means Committee, we passed Governor Branstad’s property tax bill, HSB 150.  The bill establishes equity in the Commercial/Industrial Property Class.  Over a four year phase in period, the taxable value on those two classes would be 80% of their assessed value.  It is presently 100%.  For the Residential Property tax class the bill lowered the present 4% allowable growth cap to 2%.  The bill also provides a standing appropriation of replacement dollars for local governments so they would not be negatively impacted.  We amended this bill in Committee to add more property tax relief across all classes of property by removing more of the K-12 School foundation levee off the backs of property tax payers and placed them at the state.  I am the floor manager of this bill.  This bill has headed to the Appropriations Committee and then will head to the House Floor with a new numb HF609.

Medicaid Integrity…

Iowa is one of a minority of states that does not have a program integrity statue for Medicaid.  HF 553 gives the DHS specific authority to investigate and to regain losses as a result of Medicaid fraud, waste and abuse.  The Federal government will audit our Medicaid dollars and a few years back found some abuse that accounted for several million dollars.  The state had to send those dollars back to the Federal government, but did not have any means in being able to go after the providers that abused the program.  Taxpayers should not be on the hook for private provider’s abuse.  This bill will allow the state to go after any providers to regain losses as a result of Medicaid fraud, waste and abuse.

“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not ot overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.”

Abraham Lincoln

For more information on these and other bills:

-Tom Sands

Burlington Iowa News West Burlington

Tomb Guards Reprimanding Visitors – Arlington Cemetery

A compilation of sentinels acting to keep visitors quiet and respectful.  The sentinels guard Arlington Cemetery’s Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Burlington Iowa News Political West Burlington

Gun Owner Testifies in Hartford CT

Testifying at the Insurance Committee public hearing in Hartford CT, Vernon’s Robert Steed perhaps made the best point of anyone during the onerous three- month process of hearing after hearing in reaction to the Sandy Hook Massacre.

Steen said the process was like a page out of the classic ‘Twilight Zone’ TV series of the late 1950s and early 1960s. Brought back memories of one episode in particular. The alien Kanamits, a race of 9 foot tall giants arrive with a book, ‘To Serve Man’. They bring peace to Earth and shuttle ship after ship of humans back to their home planet. Only trouble is, their book is a cook book. Sort of like what’s happening now.

Burlington Iowa News Political West Burlington

NRA Defeats Media: Assault Weapons Ban Goes Down In Flames

Click Here: Monday afternoon a disappointed Sen. Dianne Feinstein (CA-Dem) announced that her bill to ban assault weapons would not make it onto the floor of the Senate for a vote. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid admitted it had zero chance of passing.


Iowa News Political West Burlington

WB Mayor Trousil Throws Tantrum, Won’t Sign Budget

In spite of Mayor’s outburst, WB Property Tax Levy to drop 5-cents.

Mayor Hans Trousil was outraged when the City Council voted 3 to 2 to lower the city tax levy a WHOLE NICKEL. The Mayor just doesn’t want to give WB taxpayers even the slightest of breaks. In the end, Mayor Trousil was backed into a corner, if he vetoed the budget, the levy would have dropped even more than 5-cents the council cut and he wasn’t about to give taxpayers any more of a break. But he did write his version of ‘The Sky is Falling’ letter to the City Council.

West Burlington Mayor Hans Trousil's angry letter to the City Council.
West Burlington Mayor Hans Trousil’s angry letter to the City Council.
Burlington Iowa Letters to Falcon West Burlington

Mike Sweet Just Can’t Let It Go


Mike Sweet just can’t let Iraq go and constantly keeps bringing it up in his editorials in the Hack-Eye.  Everyone by now knows how he feels about Bush; so why does he continue to harp about it, maybe his mind just locked up back in the 90s.

I don’t remember Mike harping about Johnson’s Vietnam War that killed over 55,000 Americans a fact that makes the Iraq war small potatoes in comparison.  Johnson lied about the Gulf of Tonkin that got us into the shooting war.  A fabrication at best that caused the deaths of between 55 and 60 thousands of American troops.  Don’t forget we had the draft back then and many that went were not volunteers and surely didn’t want to be there while todays army is all volunteer.

If a Parrot kept repeating itself as Mike does I would think it would be sold off or be taught something else to say although I must say Obama never changes his tune either, according to him it’s always someone else’s fault for his failures.


Burlington Danville Iowa Mediapolis Obituaries West Burlington


Charline Maxine Cooper, 85, Sperry, died Monday, March 18, 2013

Larry D. Adams, 71, Burlington, died Sunday, March 17, 2013

Robert Paul Heffelfinger, Danville, died Saturday, March 16, 2013

Burlington Entertainment Iowa News Political West Burlington

Bill Maher on Income Taxes: ‘Liberals – You Could Actually Lose Me’

Click Here: Bill Maher complains that his taxes are too high

Burlington Iowa New London Obituaries West Burlington


Michael Wayne Rowan, 69, New London, died Sunday, March 17, 2013

Mary Jane Dailey, 90, formerly of Burlington died Thursday, March 14, 2013