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Category: West Burlington
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
One thing about the University of Wisconsin is it’s the birthplace of liberalism in higher education and has proven to exhibit strange and incoherent behavior when compared to most other schools of higher learning. There are faculty and students dumb enough to go along with another totally meaningless program because at Wisconsin they have nothing but liberalism to offer the students; so they offer worthless programs as a diversion for the students with the exception of getting drunk on a weekly basis.
Remember the movie Back to School a few years ago that was filmed at UW, well not much has changed, has it.
I can’t believe Burlington High School would put on such a trashy piece of vulgar nonsense in front of its students and the rest of the world to view via the Internet. It sure doesn’t say much about the morals of the faculty to let this type of trash go on in the school.
It wasn’t even funny in the least but it was very suggestive and there should be some one held accountable for such nonsense and meaningless trash been displayed at the high school.
It reminded me of something that might be done in the state prison by convicts and not a school full of teenagers. What does this tell the world about Burlington High School?