You have to ask yourselves how long will the citizens of West Burlington will stand for the embarrassments?
For years it was the police department that was the blemish on the city with its lying and stealing officers and some the Chiefs that failed the city. The city has made great strides in making it a respected department and looked upon with pride and knowing that when you have to deal with the police officers you are treated with respect, fairness and caring officers.
The city hired a new Fire chief to clean up and make sure the fire department would be run with proper integrity that fire fighters and citizens deserve. The fire chief has spent large amounts of money on new equipment and training for the fire department personnel. It is known that one firefighter use to take the fire departments vehicles out by him for joy rides. Others were using the department’s equipment for personal use at home. The chief has increased the departments staffing after so many people had quit due to the corrupt actions of a few.
A few fire fighters are doing things that sound great for the city but are being done as a self-serving intention. The city has a firefighter who has made it quite clear that he wrote the grant for himself so he could pay for his college tuition at the University of Iowa to be a lawyer and that he did not have any concern for the city or the department. Now he wants to hold the city up by using extortion tactics and demands for what he believes is his money. He cares nothing about his community, fellow fire fighters, and the citizens of our community. He claims he is concerned about his reputation and that the council embarrassed him publicly. It is a little late for that since he has already embarrassed himself for the last several years. Being a small community a large portion of the citizens already know about the things he has done without the city council mentioning it.
Lawyers are already made fun of with jokes about their reputations. You do not need the sheep skin for that to happen. You have embarrassed yourself the department, the city and its citizens. We receive and are often the butt of jokes due to your actions. As a citizen of West Burlington should I sue you for the embarrassment you have caused to others and me? You would find that unfair!
– Embarrassed