One thing about the University of Wisconsin is it’s the birthplace of liberalism in higher education and has proven to exhibit strange and incoherent behavior when compared to most other schools of higher learning. There are faculty and students dumb enough to go along with another totally meaningless program because at Wisconsin they have nothing but liberalism to offer the students; so they offer worthless programs as a diversion for the students with the exception of getting drunk on a weekly basis.
Remember the movie Back to School a few years ago that was filmed at UW, well not much has changed, has it.
Category: Letters to Falcon
I can’t believe Burlington High School would put on such a trashy piece of vulgar nonsense in front of its students and the rest of the world to view via the Internet. It sure doesn’t say much about the morals of the faculty to let this type of trash go on in the school.
It wasn’t even funny in the least but it was very suggestive and there should be some one held accountable for such nonsense and meaningless trash been displayed at the high school.
It reminded me of something that might be done in the state prison by convicts and not a school full of teenagers. What does this tell the world about Burlington High School?
News from the Hill…
This week in the Iowa House we had a lot of floor action passing several different bills and sending them over to the senate for consideration. We have reached that time in session where the committee work is slowing down and the debate time on the House floor is picking up. In order for a bill to become law it has to pass the Iowa House with a constitutional majority, 51 votes, and then pass the Iowa Senate with a constitutional majority, 26 votes, and signed by the Governor. This can be a fairly quick process, but most of the time it can take several weeks for a bill to make it through the process. People can be discouraged if they are in favor of a particular bill and want it to pass quickly. However, government works best when it moves with a slower and deliberate process. This gives the public the chance to way in more and the bill has better chance in being perfected. With that being said I have been here 11 years and have yet to see the perfect bill.
Ways and Means Bills…
There were three bills that came out of the Ways and Means committee this week in the Iowa House. One of the bills increased the beginning farmer tax credit, HF 252. HF 111 exempted all-terrain vehicles used in agricultural production from the sales and use tax. This further clarifies present code and the department of Revenue supported this clarification. The third bill was HF 235 which removes the requirement that Iowans have to indicate if they have health insurance for their children. Present law will not allow an Iowan with children to file their state income tax until they answer that question. The Department of Revenue supported this bill, they were forced to put this on the forms a few years ago.
Alternative Income Tax Bill…
One of the bills debated on Wednesday afternoon was HF 478 which gives Iowans a choice in filing their state income tax. If this bill would become law, Iowans could choose to file their income tax under the present method with the nine different tax brackets and all the same deductions and credits. Or instead, they could file under the alternative income tax method, with no credits, no deductions and a flat tax of 4.5%. Iowa taxpayers would still have a standard deduction of $6,235 or $12,470 if filing as a married couple. This bill gets to the very core difference that seems to be growing in our culture and our country today. We do need to ask ourselves a question and it’s a very fundamental question, but it’s a very simple question. Who does the money belong to: the hard-working Iowans or government? Too many today believe that the money belongs to government. It does not! It belongs to the hard working Iowans who worked hard to earned it. The bill is about letting Iowans, who work to take care of themselves and their families keep more of their hard earned money. This bill is about unleashing Iowans to not only take care of themselves, but to create jobs to spur the economy for all to benefit. There is a very fundamental difference in what some of us who serve in elected positions believe today. There are too many who believe that government should take care of them, that government needs to have more tax money to do more so called good for more people. The fallacy of that logic is built on the premise we do not have the ability to take care of ourselves. That government knows what is in our best interest. That could not be farther from the truth. In fact under that assumption our forefathers would never have ever fought for our Independence, they would have stayed under England’s rule. Instead our forefathers had the vision and the courage to fight for freedom. This country is founded on its individual freedoms, responsibilities and liberties. The further we get from those principles, the harder we make it for future generations to have the ability to live in the great Country that we have had the opportunity to grow up in. I have always fought for the taxpayers and I am proud to continue that fight. I want my grandchildren and their children to have the opportunities to dream big and then allowed to achieve those dreams. Should success be punished? House File 478 is about making Iowa income tax system simpler, flatter and fairer. I was the lead sponsor of this bill and was proud to support it.
“The problem is not that people are taxed too little, the problem is that government spends too much.” – Ronald Reagan
For more information on these and other bills: www.legis.iowa.gov
-Tom Sands
What type of law would sentence a man to 30 years for a few burglaries when another man gets only five (5) years for nearly beating a man to death. The man had a broken neck, brain injuries, severely broken jaw and numerous other problems after a beating last year that left him for dead in a Burlington yard.
Something must be totally wrong with Iowa’s current criminal laws that lets a person off with five (5) years for nearly ending the life of a person through a severe beating. The injured man already has medical bills totaling $250,000 and who is going to pick up the tab for these expenses?
Iowa needs to clean up its screwed up laws because there’s no logic versus the crimes in this matter. Was the beater required to make any restitution to the victim as was the burglar to his victims?
The article about Duke Energy donating $10 million to the Democrat party says that Duke Energy intends to take an Income Tax deduction for the donation.
Since when are political donations Income Tax deductible?
While Duke’s shareholders will absorb $6 million of the total, we, the taxpayers, will be donating $4 million to the Democrat Party.
Even the extreme left-wing Mother Jones couldn’t ignore this. When will they receive their threat from the Democrats?
Here’s another behind the scenes waste of money by the Obama administration. The Obama administration always says one thing while constantly doing just the opposite just as all those before him. Democrats always lie about what they are actually doing which can be summed up as, “Do as I say, not as I do.” It’s all about control with the democrats.
Report shows luxury jets were used to taxi around Attorney General Eric Holder, his two predecessors and FBI Director Robert Mueller at a cost of $11.4M — though some was reimbursed, one lawmaker calls the expense ‘ludicrous. Holder is one of the worst AG we’ve ever had but what he thinks of himself and what he is are two different things.
The Obama administration is still allowing numerous government departments to fly employees all over the country to attend so called meetings that are nothing more than vacation trips at taxpayer expense. We’re talking about millions of dollars spent on foolish meetings just like the GSA held a year or so ago and got caught.
House report says ‘big-ticket’ conferences cost taxpayers $340M | Fox News
It’s just sickening what our government waste on lavish parties while calling them conferences.
Government running amuck at our expense when there is more than enough conference rooms in the D.C. area without going to Hawaii or Las Vegas. Most of these conferences are nothing more than vacations at taxpayer expense, promoted by nothing more than false self worth, coupled with government ineptness and lack of fiscal restraint.
It seems funny that the first lady would present the award for best picture when it was under similar circumstances to the story line of the movie where her husband failed miserably to rescue the staff over in Benghazi. Obama vanished from his staff for eight hours during this critical period of attack in Benghazi. He just told his staff to handle it and then vanished to a location unknown to the staff or anyone else.
Could be he thought he was above the problem of embassy staff being murdered by terrorists over in Benghazi even though they had been requesting more protection for weeks prior to the attack. On top of the attack the White House lied about who, what and why it happened blaming it on some movie only about 300 people had seen worldwide prior to the attack.
Naturally the Secretary of State stalled as long as possible before trying to explain what had been going on before congress. After two months of stalling she showed up and it was well known her answers had been studied and memorized long before she showed up and no one still really knows the who, what or why it happened and why the administration failed at shoring up the protection in Benghazi.
But the White House never admitting to failure sends the First Lady via television to the Oscars to award an Oscar for best picture to a movie that represents a mirror image of one of the biggest failures of said White House under Obama. This president just hasn’t any shame when it comes to his mistakes.
Again, Obama tries to pass the buck on who caused the sequester problem when it was the White House who first introduced it. He also stated how teachers wouldn’t get paid along with others that have never been paid by the federal government in the first place. Another group he mentioned was the EMT’s that wouldn’t be paid either. Apparently the president just makes up what he wants people to hear regardless of the real truth and this is how he dupes people into believing him.
The American people should by now realize Obama is on the road to a failed presidency brought about because he doesn’t have the ability to lead with the exception of his ability to lead the left news organizations around by the snout, and never once accepting ownership for any of his constant failures. Once again, the President offered no credible plan that can pass Congress and he continues to blame it on Republicans rather than his own poor leadership and inability to introduce sound legislation that can be accepted by both houses of congress. Obama cannot compromise with the congress and that’s just the way he is and we have yet to feel the big failure of Obamacare that is waiting in the wings and may just be the biggest mistake of all that eventually forces the country into depression.
The President is in constant campaign mode and that’s about all he knows how to do is campaign because his ability to work with congress is nonexistent. Obama should realize this is not a dictatorship as he would like and he should clean up his act and join congress in running this country as the constitution intended.
The best remedy for our country would be to sequester Obama and get our government back on track and represent the people again instead of constant special interest. Obama has done nothing but make bad decisions while shredding our constitution and bypassing the congress with his rubber stamp executive orders all of which are dumbfounded at best.
If Obama wishes to be a dictator he should head south of the border where he belongs, where most people know little or nothing about democracy, where Obama would fit in nicely with such a political system as a dictatorship or socialism where he could sit on this throne and dictate policy unopposed as he is doing here while the press looks starry eyed at him like a bunch of teenagers.
We now have the FCC raising taxes without the House of Representatives, so again Obama and crew shred the constitution. Since when does the Constitution allow the FCC to raise taxes?
The taxes are going to be put on working peoples phone bills to pay for smart phones given to the unemployed by the Obama administration so they can learn how to type, do resumes’ and other job search activities; does anyone really think this is what the phones will actually be used for? Only the government would be so dumb to think creating another entitlement crowd is the answer to job growth. We already have a library network for taking care of this type of job search activity. I guess recipients can sit on the couch at home and play games all day at taxpayer expense and that’s what will happen.
The Obama administration is creating another entitlement crowd and taxing the hard pressed working people to pay for it. On top of that the firm getting the contract is a crony, big donor to the Obama campaign and will reap $100 million per month off the government supplying the phones. Actually, it’s the Tracfone Company benefitting through its relationship with Obama. Just as the democrats always accused the Bush administration of favoritism with Halliburton we have the Obama administration favoring big donor Tracfone something Obama said he would never do.
Remember this is the same President that said he would never play favorites as other administrations had done and of course this was an outright lie added to the others he’s told already, over the past four years.