Category: Education
The West is free today thanks in large part to one man – Winston Churchill. Historian and bestselling author Andrew Roberts explains in short 5-minute video how Churchill saved the world from Nazi Germany.
Click here: An editorial in a widely read state-run Chinese newspaper said on Friday, “Gun ownership in China is strictly regulated, which helps reduce gun-related crimes and deaths. The U.S. should learn from China and genuinely protect human rights.” It’s tragically laughable for the Communist Chinese to claim restricting firearms “genuinely protect human rights” when their government murdered over 73-million of their own citizens after disarming them.
Click here: Communist Body Count by country.

Click here: As information about the school shooter emerges, a relative confides to a newspaper that the “troubled youth” who committed the mass murder was on psychiatric medications – powerful, little understood, mind-altering drugs with fearsome side effects including “suicidal ideation” and even “homicidal ideation.”
FLASHBACK (2013 report): Nearly Every Mass Shooting In The Last 20 Years Shares One Thing In Common.
Click here: CDC Study found 1 in 9 Americans aged 12 and over are on antidepressants (over 35-million people)
Why do Lincoln’s iconic words at Gettysburg still matter to each and every one of us? Professor Doug Douds of the Army War College explains in 5-minutes.
Predicting climate temperatures isn’t science – it’s science fiction. Emeritus Professor of Physics at Princeton University explains in short 3-minute video.
Want to make the world a better place? Start by bettering yourself. Best-selling author and clinical psychologist Jordan Peterson explains how incremental daily changes can lead to a better life and ultimately a more harmonious world.