Left/right, Progressive/Conservative, Democrat/Republican… The names change and evolve but the core difference remains constant: The Collectivists (leftists) vs. The Individualists (conservatives). In Bill Whittle’s latest FIREWALL, he shows how violence, disruption and intimidation have always been the tools of the Collectivists (leftists). Recent protests are not about Donald Trump, no matter how much they want you to believe it.
Category: Education
Was America once socialist? Surprisingly, yes. The early settlers who arrived at Plymouth and Jamestown in the early 1600s experimented with socialist communes. Did it work? History professor Larry Schweikart of the University of Dayton shares the fascinating story.
Author William Voegeli, Senior Editor of the Claremont Review of Books, poses two questions that every American should think about this election year: 1) How much government is enough government? and 2) Should America’s government be as big (or bigger) than that of France, Germany, or Sweden? Mr. Voegeli shows just how big our government has gotten in the past 70 years, and why the cost and size of Washington, D.C. has us on a crash course for European-style unemployment. The amazing thing? Progressives still say — and will always say — the government doesn’t spend enough.
1. Colleges are robbing students.
2. To get a job in America you need to spend money you don’t have.
3. That $200,000 degree may not be worth the paper it’s printed on.
4. We’re kept financially illiterate by a broken education system.
5. The government puts up roadblocks to starting our own businesses.
6. Not only does government stop us from working, it takes what little cash we may have.
Did George W. Bush lie to America about Saddam Hussein having weapons of mass destruction? Judith Miller, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, covered the lead up to the Iraq War for The New York Times, and settles once and for all the big lie about the war in Iraq.
Tired of listening to Progressives tell you that the Second Amendment only allows people in militias to keep and bear arms? Or that the Founders would have never intended the Second Amendment to apply to modern weapons? In his latest FIREWALL Bill recounts a remarkable conversation about the precise wording of the Second Amendment, and sums up why the document says what it means and means what it says.
Adam Carolla isn’t going to tell you who to vote for. But he is going to tell you who NOT to vote for. And in a time when candidates running for office promise the moon, one of America’s funniest comedians shares a few tips about how to spot the candidate that you should run from.