Burlington Education Health Iowa Local News West Burlington

Anger Management

Do you struggle to control your anger? Are you the victim of someone who loses their temper? When you feel angry, controlling that rage is very difficult–but it’s possible. And Joseph Telushkin, a rabbi and best-selling author, shares one simple, doable rule that may just save the relationships of those who take it seriously.

Burlington Education Financial Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

What is Crony Capitalism?

This election season there’s a lot of talk about corruption, about politicians being “bought and sold”, and about “crony capitalism”. What do those terms mean? Why should we care? Is there a way to reduce corruption and restore our trust in government? Author Jay Cost, staff writer at The Weekly Standard, answers these questions and proposes a solution that every society could benefit from.

Burlington Education Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

White students undergo weekly ‘deconstructing whiteness’ program at Northwestern University

Click here: The “6-part workshop series for undergraduate students who self-identify as white” launched in January and runs through March, according to the university’s website.
Education Financial Iowa Local News West Burlington

WB Police Donate for Playground

Photo by Dan Hockett West Burlington Police Union kicks off the fundraiser for West Burlington Elementary School Playground equipment. Left to right: DARE Instructor – Ringo Covert, CWA Vice President – Grant Hillyer, WB School Board Vice President – Andy Crowner, CWA President – Kevin Glendening.
Photo by Dan Hockett
West Burlington Police Union kicks off the fundraiser for West Burlington Elementary School Playground equipment at Monday night’s School Board meeting. Left to right: DARE Instructor – Ringo Covert, CWA Vice President – Grant Hillyer, WB School Board Vice President – Andy Crowner, CWA President – Kevin Glendening.
Burlington Education Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

A Progressive’s Guide to Political Correctness

Is there a point where the “P.C. Police” are satisfied? Are there ever “enough” rules governing the jokes we tell, the mascots of sports teams, or the symbols on city seals? Or should we want a society as non-offensive as the American college campus? George Will, Washington Post Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist, imagines what an idyllic politically correct universe would look like.

Burlington Education Health Iowa Local Nature News Political Technology West Burlington

Are Electric Cars Really Green?

Are electric cars greener than conventional gasoline cars? If so, how much greener? What about the CO2 emissions produced during electric cars’ production? And where does the electricity that powers electric cars come from? Environmental economist Bjorn Lomborg, director of the Copenhagen Consensus Center, examines how environmentally friendly electric cars really are.

Burlington Education Financial Health Iowa News Political West Burlington

Bernie Sanders is Empowered by Obama’s Failures

Click here: Bernie Sanders is running against ObamaCare by promising to make it much worse. He’s running against Obama’s foreign policy by promising to make it much worse. He’s running against Obama’s educational policy by promising to make it much worse. If you hated the 100-proof left, get ready for the 200-proof left.

The left never fixes anything, it just makes it worse until there are no more alternatives. If the ghetto is a mess, then use housing mandates to export it. If ObamaCare has failed, go to Single Payer. Every leftist failure becomes an argument for its next wave of extremism.

Bernie Sanders keeps calling for a revolution. A revolution is how the left leapfrogs its existing failures to create much worse failures. Revolutions don’t fix problems. They eliminate existing solutions.

Burlington Education Iowa News Political West Burlington

Crime, Punishment and Foreign Policy

Is there a middle ground between the aggressive foreign policy of the Bush Administration and the passive and hesitant foreign policy of the Obama Administration? Yes, and New York City is a model. How so? Bret Stephens, Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist for the Wall Street Journal, explains how the NYPD’s “broken windows” policy–swiftly and forcefully punishing even petty crimes–can be applied by the United States on a global scale.

Burlington Education Financial Iowa Local News Opinion Political West Burlington

David Horowitz: Democrats Have An Impossible Agenda

Click here: David Horowitz at Minnesota University, told students, “I don’t see anything different in the agendas of the people who call themselves progressives today and the Communists I grew up with in the Stalin era. They were for income redistribution and the coddling of criminals; their sympathies were with America’s enemies – and have remained so ever since. They were for totalitarian solutions to ‘make the world a better place.’ How is this different from today’s progressives except that they don’t have the power yet to impose their utopia by force? The so-called liberal professors at this university as at the other 400 or more I have visited have purged their faculties of conservatives who are now rarer than unicorns. No true believer in democracy could make a peace with this.”

Burlington Education Financial Iowa Local News West Burlington

US schools get failing grade for financial literacy education

Click here: “To be successful, most kids don’t need to learn about collateralized debt instruments, but they do need to know how to open a bank account, how much they need to save each month to reach their goals and, if they borrow this amount of money, how much money they will need to earn to pay it back.”
-Nan Morrison, president and CEO, Council for Economic Education