Click here: Hispanics and Latinos in the U.S. labor force fell to the lowest level on record in October of 2018, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data released Friday show.
Historically, Democrats supported strong borders because they knew American workers could never compete with illegal immigrants. Now, they regularly support “open borders.” So why the drastic change? Tucker Carlson, host of Tucker Carlson Tonight, explains in this short 5-minute video.
The migrant caravan headed toward the southern border was organized by leftist organizations to the likes of Venezuela. This short 6-minute video explains.
If you get sick or suffer a serious injury, you not only want medical care, you want quality medical care. What’s the best way to get it? Through a government-run program like Medicare for All or through our current free market system? Stanford policy expert Lanhee Chen has the answer in this short 5-minute video. Get informed. After all, this is your health we’re talking about.
Socialism has become cool in America, under the nice name “democratic socialism.” Gloria Álvarez knows better, because she’s from Latin America and studied socialism there. She says: Watch out! Socialism has a clear track record of wrecking every country that implements it. Hear her story in this short 6-minute video.