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John Stossel – Cool Commies and Other Myths

Michael Moynihan (The Daily Beast) joins John Stossel to discuss the myths which romanticize communism in this short 5-minute video.

Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

Walter E Williams – The Art of Legalized Theft

Professor Williams explains in this short 3-minute video what drives the political world.

Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

Hispanics flourishing in Trump economy

Click here: President Trump’s economy is the rising tide that is lifting all boats. This is especially true for Hispanics, who were among the biggest victims of the low-growth, high-regulation economy under President Obama. Last week, the Census Bureau announced new household income numbers, which showed that median income for Hispanic households grew by 3.7 percent, adjusted for inflation, last year. That’s more than double the increase seen by all households. More Hispanics moved into the upper-income brackets, and fewer remained in the lower ones. That’s welcome news as the nation celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month.
Photo by Dan Hockett
Not a spare seat to be found as President Donald Trump addresses a packed U.S. Cellular Center in Cedar Rapids, Iowa June 21, 2017.
Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

President Trump’s booming economy accelerates

Click here: U.S. job openings climb to record 6.9 million. More workers quitting old jobs for better pay at new ones
Click here: Small business optimism surges to highest level ever, topping previous record under Reagan
Click here: Booming US economy led to record summer travel

Burlington Entertainment Financial Iowa Local News Political Security Technology West Burlington

What Is Net Neutrality?

For months, it seemed nearly every media figure was in hysterics over the impending repeal of net neutrality. Then, net neutrality was repealed… and nothing much changed. So what exactly is net neutrality, and why do so many people have such strong opinions about something they don’t understand? Jon Gabriel, editor-in-chief of cuts through the hysteria to bring you the facts in this short 5-minute video.

Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

CNBC: Economy adds more jobs than expected in August, and wage growth hits post-recession high

Click here: President Trump’s economy continues to exceed expectations. Payrolls grew by 201,000 in August. Well above what economists expected for August (191,000 increase). Average hourly earnings also jumped by 2.9 percent, above the 2.7 percent increase economists expected.
Photo by Dan Hockett
President Donald Trump speaks to a packed U.S. Cellular Center crowd in Cedar Rapids, Iowa June, 21, 2017
Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

$75,000 a year with benefits; no college needed. Yet employers can’t fill jobs

Click here: As the economy barrels toward full employment, contractors are struggling to find enough skilled workers to fuel the construction boom.


Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

Manufacturers growing at fastest pace in 14 years

Click here: American manufacturers are on a roll: Business conditions surged in August to a 14-year high.
Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

With the Economy Humming Americans Are Grilling More Steaks for Labor Day

Click here: The economy is booming. So when Americans have more money, they like to treat themselves. That means there could be plenty of steaks on the grill this year for Labor Day.
Burlington Financial Health Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

Boom Times: 83% execs say business is better, 76% see more growth

Click here: Over eight-in-10 executives believe that business is better than it was two years ago, and almost as many expect further growth in the third year of the Trump administration, according to a new survey of decision makers.