Muchos de los inmigrantes legales e ilegales en Estados Unidos huyeron de naciones que estaban arruinadas por políticos corruptos con políticas públicas socialistas fracasadas.
Pero ya estando aquí apoyan los mismos proyectos ¿por qué? Gloria Álvarez, directora e proyectos del Movimiento Cívico Nacional de Guatemala, nos explica.
Category: Financial
Many of America’s legal and illegal immigrants fled nations that were ruined by corrupt politicians and failed government policies. But once here, they support the same things. Why? Gloria Alvarez, Project Director at the National Civic Movement of Guatemala, explains.
Click here: Sixteen states use voting machines provided by company tied to leftist billionaire, George Soros, who is donating millions to Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

Many states are talking about raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour. So are some politicians in Congress. How does the minimum wage work? Would raising it help workers, or hurt them?
Huge Pay Gap For Men, Women at Clinton Foundation
Hillary Clinton embraces George Soros’ ‘radical’ vision of open-border world
Donna Brazile Shreds Obama Economy – Acting DNC chair says ‘people are more in despair about how things are’
Hillary’s Deleted Emails: Yoga Routines and Classified Diplomatic Talks – Clinton emails recovered by the FBI include sensitive government information

Click here: Hillary Clinton, speaking at Goldman Sachs, “There’s nothing magic about regulations, too much is bad, too little is bad. How do you get to the golden key, how do we figure out what works? And the people that know the industry better than anybody are the people who work in the industry.” – For the millions of people whose savings and retirement accounts were decimated thanks to Wall Street fraud, Hillary Clinton fluffing bankers’ pillows behind-closed-doors, telling them their advice on regulation is needed, IS A BOMBSHELL.
Click here: Goldman Sachs Group Inc reported a 58% rise in quarterly profit