Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

Community activist Quanell X, ‘Trump Is Right About Democrats Exploiting Black Votes’

Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political Religion Security West Burlington

George Soros, the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton

Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

Hillary’s Pay to Play. Clinton Foundation Donors get Special Favors from Hillary.

Click here: Over half the people outside the government who met with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gave money – $156-million dollars – to the Clinton Foundation. Her actions leave voters wondering if Hillary will put the Whitehouse and Presidency up for sale too.  
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political Security Technology West Burlington

Megalomaniac George Soros Works to Change America and the World

Megalomaniac George Soros gives millions to Hillary Clinton’s campaign

Click here: George Soros’ Open Society Seeks to Reshape Census, Electoral Districts

Click here: George Soros’s campaign of global chaos

Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

Hillary’s State Department Blew $6 Billion In Contract Mismanagement, Fraud and Incompetence

Click here: The Inspector General’s alert said such failures at the State Department create “conditions conducive to fraud, as corrupt individuals may attempt to conceal evidence of illicit behavior by omitting key documents from the contract file.
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Burlington Financial Health Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

Why Are Americans Working Fewer Hours?

Kelly, a college student, also works full-time at a nearby grocery store. But her hours were just cut to 29 per week. Why? Because of a new regulation on employers imposed by the Affordable Care Act; a regulation harming millions of working Americans. Learn more in this one-minute video.

Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political Religion Security West Burlington

George Soros’ “Islamophobia” Plot Against Conservatives Revealed

Click here: George Soros is a foreign-born atheist who as a 14-year-old collaborated with the Nazis in occupied Hungary, describing that time as “probably the happiest year of my life” and “a very positive experience.” He has described himself as “some kind of god, the creator of everything,” and has said his “goal” was “to become the conscience of the world.” Soros’s affinity for Islam makes perfect sense. Nazi sympathizers and Islamists have much in common. It is fair to say that Islamic terrorists are the last of Adolf Hitler’s World War Two coalition partners that have yet to be vanquished.
Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

State Dept.: Yes, we paid ransom for hostages

Click here: State Dept. – $400M to Iran was contingent on US prisoners’ release
Burlington Education Financial Health Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

CATO ranks Iowa 9th highest on freedom scale

Click here: Freedom in the 50 States

Click here: Iowa’s Freedom Ranking

Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

How Democrats Ruined Milwaukee

Click here: In riot-torn Milwaukee, Donald Trump pointed out a very blunt and irrefutable truth: “The Democratic Party has run nearly every inner city in this country for 50 years, and run them into … ruin,” with “crime policies, education policies, and economic policies [that] have produced only more crime, more broken homes, and more poverty.” And indeed, wherever we look—Atlanta, Camden, Newark, St. Louis, Chicago, Flint, Detroit, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington—we see one-party cities that are crumbling testaments to the awesome power of bad ideas. Specifically, Trump referenced “the situation right here in Milwaukee, a city run by Democrats for decade after decade,” citing its high rates of homicide, joblessness, poverty, and educational failure.
Donald J. Trump
Donald J. Trump