Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political Religion Security Technology West Burlington

Hillary’s Connection to Anti-American Billionaire George Soros

Click here: Hillary Clinton’s VP, Tim Kaine, Dines with George Soros’ Son.
Click here: Hacked Soros e-mails reveal plot to undermine Israel.
Click here: Soros Group Funded ‘Opposition Research’ To Shield Radical Islam.
Click here: Hillary Clinton emails Show George Soros Gave Secretary of State Clinton her Foreign Policy Marching Orders
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

Obama Economic Shock: Americans’ Wages Dropping Fast in 2016

Click here: Federal data released Aug. 9 shows that Americans’ wages are dropping again, seven years after President Barack Obama declared the economy had recovered — and three months before the 2016 election.


Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

Hillary made $238-million since leaving Whitehouse ‘Dead Broke’

Click here: Hillary Clinton releases tax returns; earned $238Million since leaving White House ‘Dead Broke’
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political Technology West Burlington

Apple, Twitter, Google, and Instagram Collude to Elect Hillary, Defeat Trump

Click here: There is no such thing as Pro-Trump free speech as Clinton corporate allies, Apple, Twitter, Google, and Instagram serve up a carefully curated view of the campaign.
Burlington Education Financial Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

Can the Government Run the Economy?

With the smartest experts and the best economists, could the federal government run the U.S. economy? Could it keep America’s $17 trillion economy going like a well-oiled machine? Steve Forbes, Chairman and Editor-in-Chief of Forbes Media, explains why no one person or group can “run” the economy, and why any attempt to do so can only make things worse.

Burlington Financial Health Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

22 States Added Work Requirements for Food Stamp Recipients: Here’s How It’s Working Out

Click here: On Jan. 1, 22 states had to reinstate the federal work requirement for areas of the state or the entire state because their waivers expired. From March to April of this year, the number of food stamp recipients decreased by 773,134. This brings food stamp enrollment down to 2011 levels and represents the biggest drop in participation since 2005.
Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

Freed Hostage on Obama’s Ransom Payment: Iranians Were Waiting For Another Plane to Land Before Releasing Us

Click here: Former Hostage on Obama’s Ransom Payment: Iranians Were Waiting For Another Plane to Land Before Releasing Us
Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

Working Overtime or Working Less?

Larry, a salaried car mechanic, was just bumped down to hourly pay, and thus no longer has a guaranteed income. Why did this happen? Because of a new government regulation. What’s the regulation, and will it impact your job? Watch this short video to find out.

Burlington Education Financial Iowa Local News West Burlington

I Learned More at McDonald’s Than at College

Can working at McDonald’s better prepare a young adult for life than attending college? For Haverford undergraduate Olivia Legaspi, college taught her that her feelings are more important than anything; but working at McDonald’s she learned that serving others comes first. Which of those lessons is more important? Olivia Legaspi explains.

Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

Seven Years Later, Recovery Remains the Weakest of the Post-World War II Era

Click here: Seven Years Later, Recovery Remains the Weakest of the Post-World War II Era
