Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

Panama Papers have Multiple Bill & Hillary Clinton connections

Click here: Donors to Clinton foundation used the Panamanian law firm for offshores accounts to hide their wealth.
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Burlington Financial Health Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

ObamaCare Bleeding Out

Click here: Insurers warn losses from ObamaCare are unsustainable
Burlington Financial Iowa News Security West Burlington

Prank Caller Tricks Burger King Employees into Smashing Restaurant Windows

Click here: A prank caller tricked workers at a Burger King into smashing the windows of the restaurant to keep it from exploding, police said Saturday, mirroring similar prank calls at other fast-food restaurants across the country.


Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

State Issues from Tom Sands

News from the Hill…

The big news this week is that the Senate and House Majorities were able to come together to arrive at joint targets. So, what does that mean exactly? While the overall total amount of dollars, 7.349 billion dollars, was agreed on to spend for the fiscal year 2017 to a few weeks ago. How that was going to be divided up into the different budgets was not able to be agreed to until Wednesday. Both sides have been waiting for the agreement until either side started drafting and working on the individuals’ budgets. Now with the joint target agreements for each general fund budget done the actual budget bills will begin. There is much to do and time is running out.

Sluggish Revenues…

There are three months left in fiscal year 2016, which ends on June 30th. Can the revenues grow enough in the last three months to reach the estimated amount? While it is possible it could go either way. If the revenues come up short of the prediction there is about a 71 million dollar surplus of revenues above the expenditures. Obviously if revenues are over 71 million less than the estimate the fiscal year will end in the red. That is exactly why it is important to hold the line on spending and you need to have a cushion built in offset potential shortages. Personal Income, which makes up approximately 56 percent of the general fund revenue, continues to be strong. Sales and Use Tax, which makes up approximately 35 percent, of the general fund revenue continues to be a little sluggish. Corporate Income Tax, which makes up approximately 6 percent of the general fund revenue, is way behind. This of course is a reflection in the down turn in the agricultural economy.

 Committee Work…

The only committees meeting this time of year are the Appropriations Committee, Ways and Means Committee and occasionally the Oversight Committee. One half of the Iowa House serves on either Appropriations or Ways and Means. We are getting to that time of the year when we will conclude our committee work so we can finish for the year. All of the budgets will need to be passed out of their respective sub-committees before they can be debated and passed out of the Appropriations Committee. So I do not see any way we can be done by our scheduled end date of April 19. However, if all goes well we should be done before May 1.

Floor Action…

This time of year can be filled with both parties spending lots of time in their respective caucuses as well as lots of time on the House Floor. In the last few weeks, the debates will get long and go into the night. But like my Mother often said, “Nothing good is going to happen after mid-night.” I hope we listen to her advice and don’t make any important decisions in the wee hours of the night.

“Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm” – Abraham Lincoln

 For more information on these and other bills:

Until next time,

Tom Sands

KWPC/Prairie Radio Communications, Inc Present:

2016 Spring Ag Roundtable Broadcast

Friday, April 8th 10am-Noon Broadcast Live from Muscatine’s Ag Learning Center KWPC AM860 FM95.1/Prairie Radio Communications, Inc. is hosting the 2016 Spring Ag Roundtable broadcast from Muscatine’s Ag Learning Center on Friday, April 8th from 10am-Noon. This Bi-Annual Ag Roundtable Broadcast includes guests from livestock, grain, renewable fuels, agronomy, media, risk management, legislative and more. This panel will address a wide range of agriculture issues and their impact on our local, national and global future.

Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

We Pay More in Taxes Than Food, Clothing, Housing Combined

Click here: This year Americans will pay more to the government in taxes than they spend on food, clothing, and housing combined, a new report from the Tax Foundation reveals.


Burlington Financial Health Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

Obamacare Just Made Filing Your Taxes Worse

Click here: Millions will be penalized for not purchasing health insurance


Burlington Financial Iowa Local News West Burlington

Walmart’s first-ever revenue drop

Click here: For the first time, Walmart’s revenues shrank from the year before. Has the company reached its growth limit?


Burlington Education Financial Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

Myths, Lies and Capitalism

Does free enterprise hurt the poor? Is it unfair and driven by greed? Did it cause the Great Recession? In five minutes, Arthur Brooks answers these questions and more about capitalism.

Burlington Education Financial Iowa Local News Political West Burlington

America’s Socialist Origins

Was America once socialist? Surprisingly, yes. The early settlers who arrived at Plymouth and Jamestown in the early 1600s experimented with socialist communes. Did it work? History professor Larry Schweikart of the University of Dayton shares the fascinating story.

Burlington Financial Iowa Local News Political Technology West Burlington

Obama-Backed Solar Plant To Be Shut Down For Not Producing Enough Energy

Click here: California regulators may force a massive solar thermal power plant in the Mojave Desert to shut down after years of under-producing electricity — not to mention the plant was blinding pilots flying over the area and incinerating birds.