Most of us learned the key ideas of the Declaration of Independence in school: that “all men are created equal,” “endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights,” that government’s job is “to secure these rights.” This was a radical departure from the way things had always been. Where did these revolutionary ideas come from?
Don’t be so quick to throw out mail that looks like junk. A woman is warning others after finding her stimulus payment on a debit card in a plain envelope from ‘Money Network Cardholder Services.’
Prepaid debit cards will arrive in envelopes from ‘Money Network Cardholder Service’
Michael Moore’s documentary, ‘Planet of the Humans’ has exposed the “swindlers” who are peddling misinformation and the environmental benefits of green energy. “He exposes everything about green energy as simply a fraud peddled by a whole lot of swindlers who are making an absolute fortune out of it, and ultimately, it’s not even environmentally friendly.