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PANIC PANDEMIC: COVID-19 Facts the Media DOESN’T Want You to Know

Steve Deace reports on the COVID-19 facts the Media doesn’t want you to know, and it’s straight from the CDC database.
Burlington Financial Health Iowa Local News Security Technology West Burlington

Facebook laughably says they’re going to sue the EU for… wait for it… invasion of privacy!

Click here: Facebook is pushing back against a European Union investigation into its practices, taking it to court over privacy concerns.
Burlington Financial Health Iowa Local News Opinion Political Security Technology West Burlington

Afraid to speak your mind? Maybe we’re not as ‘free’ as we think

Click here for full article: Just because we still have free-speech rights doesn’t mean we feel free to exercise those rights, to say what’s on our minds. What if we’re afraid to voice our opinions? Are we still free then? Let’s start with this — about how a majority of Americans are so afraid of what could happen to them if they express an unpopular opinion. Nearly two out of every three Americans (62 percent) say the political climate these days prevents them from saying things they believe — because they’re worried that others might find their opinions offensive.

Burlington Education Financial Iowa Local Political Religion Security West Burlington

Where the ideas for the Declaration of Independence came from

Most of us learned the key ideas of the Declaration of Independence in school: that “all men are created equal,” “endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights,” that government’s job is “to secure these rights.” This was a radical departure from the way things had always been. Where did these revolutionary ideas come from?
Burlington Education Financial Health Iowa Local Political Security Technology West Burlington

When They Come (Political Poetry)

Burlington Danville Financial Fort Madison Iowa Keokuk Local Mediapolis Mt. Pleasant New London News Political West Burlington

Don’t mistake your stimulus money for junk mail!

Don’t be so quick to throw out mail that looks like junk. A woman is warning others after finding her stimulus payment on a debit card in a plain envelope from ‘Money Network Cardholder Services.’
Prepaid debit cards will arrive in envelopes from ‘Money Network Cardholder Service’

Burlington Education Financial Iowa Local Nature News Political Technology West Burlington

Michael Moore’s documentary ‘has exposed green energy as a fraud’

Michael Moore’s documentary, ‘Planet of the Humans’ has exposed the “swindlers” who are peddling misinformation and the environmental benefits of green energy. “He exposes everything about green energy as simply a fraud peddled by a whole lot of swindlers who are making an absolute fortune out of it, and ultimately, it’s not even environmentally friendly.

Burlington Financial Health Iowa Local News Political Security West Burlington

Leaked intel document reveals how China deceived the world about coronavirus

Click here: The 15-page research document, obtained by The Saturday Telegraph in Australia, lays the foundation for the case of negligence being mounted against China. The document from intelligence agencies of the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Australia and New Zealand states that China intentionally hid or destroyed evidence of the coronavirus outbreak, leading to the loss of tens of thousands of lives around the world.

Tucker Carlson interviews Australia’s Sharri Markson, the reporter who broke the story
Australian reporter Sharri Markson reports on the Global intel dossier on China’s COVID-19 deception highlights a ‘deliberate cover-up’
Burlington Education Financial Iowa Local News Security Technology West Burlington

Why are so many organizations suddenly banning Zoom?

Burlington Financial Health Iowa Local News West Burlington

New Vehicle Sales Continue Downward Slide

Click here: Edmunds forecasts April will be the worst auto sales month in at least 30 years due to the COVID-19 pandemic